i dont know, seems unlikely that both cnn AND bbc would fall for false news at the same time
and as usual i expect this to ignore the underlying problem and end up in a stalemate debate between the pro and anti gun lobbies
i think its been well proven gun control has mainly one result : only people with underground contacts can buy them :
it's different here and the mortality rate due to firearms related deaths is actually more because of suicide but all that regulation (several years ago , few decades i think, they gave everyone the chance to turn in their hardware here, free of charge and charges, and a lot did, but what happened to the pile of guns they would say they would destroy, that seems to be debatable. Hard to imagina that much potential dark money wont have been siphoned at least a bit there. But well, we all know cops and judges are infallible superman who arent just above the law, but above desire and human flaws ofcourse, i'm sure that's no different there : untouchable.
havent had hischool shootings like that yet, i think they give these kids something to keep them calm during lunchbreaks but the underlying problem where kids cant cope and decide to go out like that, because the moment they do they already consider themselves dead, i think very few will have the illusion that they will see the next day or get arrested once they get hold of that gun and pull the trigger. So that's not addressed and somewhat teh same idea where the governments here "looked into" all possibilties why this little hellhole would provide the most number of syrian IS fighter, all but one reason :"they never lay the blame on themselves, after all how could THEY be the reason people stop caring SO much they would do something like that?"
nice article as alway @truthbeyondlies
@rudyardcatling Thank you for the articles (the Washington post one did not like my computer lol)
In America you can get a gun on the street... You go to any place that the MSM has called a "hood" and you will find someone that can get you a gun. In Atlanta it is called the swap meet! For all the rules and regulations that they have put on guns, one thing I find amusing is that people can and will still get a hold of them. Lets not forget that most of these "shooting" take place in "gun free zones".
It is defiantly no different here. As a matter of fact I remember they had the same thing here. You turn in your gun, no questions asked and all is forgotten. I do not remember if they claimed to destroy the guns collected or not, but even if they did I know that would have been a lie... We are talking about a government that pushed hard drugs into selected community to 'control' them and this is not a theory but a well know fact!
One thing I have pointed it out is that back in my day we did not have teenagers like this. Today's teenagers have no manners and are disrespectful... back in my day they would have the butt busted. In my opinion our government has planned this and started working on this years ago. When they made it illegal for a parent to correct their child is when it really started. Throw in today's music and tv mixed with video-games and so on then poof you have this society. It is a shame. My partner and I have had endless talks about how this world got to where it is now. I actually sat here one day just thinking about when I was child verses how it is for children now and it was down right depressing. Children today missed so much because of the agendas that are being pushed. I know I am showing my age here, but I am proud of my age. I grew up in a generation that know respect, that understand the value of life. Children today do not know what a real cloud is, they think that just because it is up in the sky its a cloud...smh.
The reason we question if this is another flase flag is once again they just had a drill there... then a shooting (as another person commented on here @freeman123) it is like clockwork.
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Stop watching normie noose
They're lobotomizing you https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/columbine-whose-fault-is-it-19990624 https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2018/apr/18/fusion-center-em/