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RE: Under Pressure! How Come? Really?

in #freedom7 years ago

When I am under pressure, it has never worked for me to 'put it in perspective,' as in 'don't worry about this stupid pitch because people are starving in the world.' I have more success acknowledging when I am freaking out, and then I have developed a few rituals that help me stay cool


It just doesn't make sense to me .........why people don't let their feelings out of their pockets ??? why???

It's been my observation that women don't seem to understand that men process things differently than women. Women deal with their emotions by getting everyone together and talking about it. Men deal with their emotions by coming up with a plan to deal with whatever is bothering them.

Thats so damn wise and guess what ...I am aware of that fact !!! So men pull away when they feel too much ...right??? Maybe they come back ...maybe not....all is fine too me

5% of men come back

I wish I were a girl but I just find myself a boy cos I think like women

I think it's cos they care for only themselves, they don't care about you
