You can be free
Do you know you can be totally free, you can come out of that satanic prison and captivity? You can be free in your soul, spirit and body. You will be free everytime and everywhere and you will sing songs of freedom. The lord of host has promised to do it for you, but you have a role to play.
What God does for you when freedom is near is that He begins to show you your true state how you are bound and tied up in sin; He opens your eyes to your desperate need of deliverance from the bondage and affliction of the enemy.
Yet God doesn’t just stop at revealing your faults to you. He wants you to play your role by making a deliberate turn from iniquity. You have to make a decision to turn from sin to the Lord Jesus Christ. You have to flee from the kingdom of bondage to the kingdom of liberty.
While doing this, you will not bother yourself with what people will say about you or your decision. Your only desire is to be free from bondage. As God sees your readiness, he will step right into breaking the fetters and chains of sin in your life.
What is the proof that the Lord is willing to break our chains? The scriptures reveal that Christ came purposely to destroy the works of the devil. Jesus Christ said that if the Son shall set you free, you shall be free indeed. Plenty money, good education, social status, blissful marriage, political power, business connection etc does not give freedom.
Real freedom is found in the Lord Jesus Christ if you will allow him into your life today, He will set you free and give you a new life, a life of true freedom. However, after your deliverance, you must resolve not to toy with sin and appearance of evil. You must shun the sinful habits, practice, places and companion you used to enjoy.
Hear what Jesus told a man who had just been delivered of a protracted affliction, Behold thou art made whole; sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. I pray that the Lord opens your eyes of understanding to see your spiritual state and need to be free from the stronghold of sin in Jesus name, Amen. God bless you richly. Happy new week.
Thanks for taking your time to read this. happy new week.
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