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RE: Freedom From the Inside: How I became the Press Secretary for Adam Kokesh

in #freedom7 years ago

I call the rebels because Assad has labeled them rebels. Rebels against his rule would be my guess as to why he's gone to calling them that. Then there's the Kurds who Turkey has labeled as terrorist and US as part of their coalition fighting ISIS terrorist. I don't see you going on and on about Turkey going into Syria to cause conflict with the Kurds. Half of whats wrong over there is one group hating on another internally...just think if every country in the world operated without regard or protections in place to guarantee liberty for everyone....there'd be no place safe and the world would be a mess. Granted it doesn't excuse interventionist practices but that's part of the point, those practices keep that hate in check and keeps it from growing. I don't have a magic answer and if anybody else did we'd be able to solve the problems.