Freedom: Most Cannot Handle It Even Though They Complain About Not Having It.

in #freedom7 years ago

This post is as a result of an exchange I had earlier with someone on here. It was a reminder to me of how many people scream about freedom yet, in reality, they cannot handle what comes along with being free.

The basic scenario is this person was complaining about and that it is a haven for people to post content they didn't create and make money from it. This person had his panties in a ruffle because he had content taken from him that was used by someone else who profited from it. He even went so far as to say he would go to YouTube who he hated and post there. Are you serious?

Therefore, I decided to write a post about some basic truths that people cannot seem to handle.

A. The Internet Is A Big Copy Machine

Since its' inception, the Internet was filled with pirated content. YouTube, our freedom fighter's favorite watchdog, was attacked for years for doing nothing about copyrighted content. It was only after they because huge and realized they could charge for said content (while giving the content creators next to nothing), that they started to enforce it.

Does anyone recall Napster? Piratebay? There are still a host of torrent sites out there where you can find protected content for free. Hell, even the usenet still exists where you can find most anything with a couple hundred dollar subscription to a reader.

I recall a post I put up about @zer0hedge and why I supported him. Some wanted to attack him because he was taking content from the real site, a fact he openly admitted on every post. Leaving the content aside, which I happen to enjoy, it is his right to choose that path that I support.

B. If You Look To Another Entity For Your Rights And Protection, Said Entity Can Determine What Those Are

Our fearful content creator turned to YouTube for protection. Here is someone who is on a platform that espouses freedom yet he has to turn to Big Brother for protection. Well, guess what, that site is known for its censorship of people. What happens when YouTube decides his content should not be up there? What then? I am sure he will scream bloody murder and how censorship is wrong.

People want the freedom until it goes against them. Then they want Big Brother until they lose out there.

C. Freedom Means No Censorship: It Also Means Someone Can Pirate Your Shit

The fact of the matter is, along with steemit,, and chainbb, are giving a voice to potentially millions, if not billions, of people who would not otherwise have one. It is a simply reality that certain points of view, no matter how much political hacks talk about freedom of speech, are not welcome. Again, people want the freedom until it goes against them. Freedom of speech is great until you say something I disagree with. Then it is time for the powerful to shut you up.

Slavery or Freedom? Which Is It?

If you want your stuff protected by Big Brother, then own up to the fact you cannot handle freedom and prefer the safety of slavery. Daddy will watch after your ass. However, if you are one who talks about freedom, they accept the fact that you stuff can be pirated. @zer0hedge is on a decentralized platform, he has the ability to choose if he wants to post content from elsewhere. Obviously those who have a problem with it have the right to not visit his blog and support him. That is called freedom.

When we look at it realistically, 99% of the people are not going to take the content of another. Freedom entails having those who are going to operate in ways the majority disagree with. With a knife, I can slit your throat. Does that mean most people are going to slit someone's throat? Not likely. Has anyone ever used a knife to slit the throat of another? Yes that happened. Ergo, should we ban knives? Of course not.

Freedom is about not letting the actions of a few over ride the rights of the majority. At the same time, it is also about not letting the actions of the majority override the rights of a few.

If you can accept that some people are going todo disagreeable stuff with their freedom and are okay with that, then you are ready to embrace freedom. However, if you are going to pay it lip service until you are adversely affected, then you are better off admitting to yourself you prefer the illusion of security that comes from slavery.

Because that is exactly what your view is.

Freedom or slavery...which do you prefer?

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Pictures pirated from Google Images.


This kind of reminds me of people who talk about freedom of speech and expression, yet complain about “hate speech”.

Do people in 2017 not understand that “hate speech” still falls under the hat of freedom of speech? It seems like the millennial generation doesn’t.


You hit that one right on the head.

Good post but you forgot to point out that his solution (going to You Tube) is no protection from his problem. I routinely download content from there using the Downloadhelper Firefox plug-in. With this software I can download anything from You Tube and post it anywhere I like including D-Tube. If this person's complaints were sincere, then not only does he not understand freedom, but he does not understand the Internet. However, I suspect he was just 'pitching a fit' strictly to drum up sympathy upvotes. Which, I bet he got a lot of.

BTW, the reason I routinely download content from You Tube is that with their censorship, you never know if a useful video will be available in the future. So, if it is good enough, I download it and archive it.

Wow, it dawn to me now, it's a concept with far reaching scope. "You won't want the truth, cos you cannot handle the truth." Many people are buried in lies and fear. They relish it without knowing now.

Once again, not unlike the Matrix. Only a few will wake up. Some should stay strapped in the simulation, for without it will be disastrous to their sanity.

Everyone has his own story, people are envious and we need to get used to it. @zerohedge is great, I support him 100%

Nice article Task, you are KILLING it lately. I'm not a poster of videos but I am going to try to get involved in D-tube as I don't want to miss the train...the gravy train! Also headed over to steemvoter to add the one and ONLY @taskmaster4450. Love how you are promoting this blockchain and teaching me about it's potential at the same time. Rock 'n Roll!!!!

People want the freedom until it goes against them. Then they want Big Brother until they lose out there.

Well that's what it's all about, apparently, every person is a potential dictator. The biggest obstacle to freedom is precisely that. The Steemit community in Spanish for example, they have a kind of big brother, and they regulate absolutely everything, why? simply because in Steemit there was freedom to publish, but these gentlemen took advantage of the emptiness and begin to control.