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RE: Bitcoin

in #freedom7 years ago

I can only give you my opinion which is by no means meant to be taken as advice.

That said, I believe the big money is only starting to roll into the space. We will see a massive run up over the next few years as institutions atart to pile in. Most all cryptos will be lifted although BTC will be the leader because it is so well known.

These platforms have the chance to radically change the world and the profit potential from them is incredible. BTC for its store of value and large transaction purchasing power, LTC for its cash factor, ETH for smart contracts, ripple for banking, etc...

Thanks for your post..I followed you.


I couldn't agree with you more!

Thank you. You're opinion is very valuable! And, I do understand that I am asking a rather biased audience. It's the response I want right?!?

LOL Confirmation bias. It could be.

I will tell you that if you asked me about BCH, I would have given the exact opposite answer. Personally I am not real high on that one.

When you what is going on and the attention BTC is getting, I think what I said holds true. Bitcoin has the community, the developers, and the recognition to be a powerful force. Will it happen? I dont know but I feel confident in it.

That said, I am not putting all my eggs in just that one basket. I am spreading my money around a little bit.