I live in Colombia and here we can see the tragedy that this regime has left. I agree with your premise that the people are indeed guilty partly. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn illustrated the dangers of communism and totalitarianism and the resemblance between the mentality of the people in Soviet Russia and many, even to this day in Venezuela is uncanny.
I also lived in Ecuador a country that has transitioned in and out of socialism in recent years. Being very young I remember the ousting of president Lucio Gutierrez. The people took to the streets and would not leave until he was removed. And he was. Years later socialist president Rafael Correa was almost ousted, and the fact that he was not, was certifiably bad for the country as we were not able to exit his regime of pseudo communism, censorship and corruption.
I think it is in the people's best interest to take this into their own hands whatever that may mean, it will not get better without absolute action.
I love Venezuela, my sister was born there and I lived there from 96-99 when it was right below paradise still. The potential lost is so depressing but at least it gives the country a good place to start once they transition out.