After looking at all the data I believe it is clear that solving the problem of gun violence has basically nothing to due with laws restricting guns. The states with the very lowest crime rates have the most freedom to buy guns. It seems generally the states with the least amount of crime have higher percentages of white people. To really get a good idea of the reasons why that is poverty rates and a few other things would need to be compared. In Part 2 maybe I will research genetics and culture and their propensities for crime. I also plan on comparing conservative and liberal areas.
Race and crime rate is actually a fairly difficult thing to research. To get an accurate representation you have to look at the state then the counties then the cities and perhaps even neighborhoods and down to the very individuals that committed a crime. The other day I read an article about how a few counties in America have the majority of the countries murder rates. If it wasn't for these few counties or cities within those counties such as Compton then the murder rate in America would be much lower.
"The study, conducted by John Lott's Crime Research Prevention Center, shows that 2% of America's counties had 51% of the country's murders in 2014; 5% of America's counties had 68% of the country's murders. According to Fox News, "If the deadliest 5% of the counties were removed, the U.S. murder rate would be 2.56 per 100,000 people.""
That article:
I added the %'s I think I put them all in the right places
I found another map for gun homicides but it apparently doesn't have data for every state.
Comparing the above map with this map of CA concealed carry counties the counties close to the border have more gun homicides and the counties that issue concealed carry permits do not have more crime except when close to the border.
This is a map that color codes counties by their largest population of Ancestry. I'm not sure how accurate it is or what it is even from but I assume it is one of those sites where users self report their ancestry.
Again it seems for the most part the higher percentage of Whites the lower the violent crime rate is. Most states follow this pattern.
States with at least 90% White population: Maine, Vermont, West Virginia, and New Hampshire
These 4 states have the lowest crime rates as well as basically total freedom to buy guns with little to no restrictions.
However the State of Montana has about 89-90% whites but has a higher crime rate than these other 4 states that have high populations of whites. The crime in Montana isn't super high but it is interesting that the crime rate isn't as low as these other 4 states. Montana also has little to no gun restrictions. So lets study the counties in Montana to see if we can find any patterns.
Looking at each red county by % of whites:
Lake- 65.5
Higher crime rates in Montana counties do not appear to be related to race. It would be ideal to lookup the race of the people that committed the crimes in these counties but I'm not sure how long that would take. I plan to break down counties like this for every state.
Trump vs Hillary Map. Red Trump and Blue Hillary.
A map of homicide rates around the world. I'm not sure how accurate this is or who made it.
Current thoughts and conclusions:
-Is race related to crime rates? Statistically yes (a better way to put it would be statistical genetics within a population or race group) but it depends on a lot of different factors like individual genetics, country of origin, etc
-Do areas with more gun ownership and relaxed gun laws have more gun related crime? No
-Solution to gun violence? Build the wall
Part 1 to be continued