
Exactly right! not many people are willing to believe that. You can not even claim land with the state given birth certificate that's why everyone pays property taxes. In order to claim anything under the republic "Constitution" and the republic "bill of rights" and even land, you need your title of live birth from the hospital you where born in. To make it harder on an individual to claim the title of live birth, all state vital statistic offices send them to Washington DC. From what I researched about this topic the state birth certificate is supposed to be some kind of warehouse receipt and proves your a resident of the district of Columbia which therefor your under federal jurisdiction, and a subsidiary corporation of UNITED STATES "Inc" that are charged corporate taxes. Did you know that all Court rooms out side of the district of Columbia are common law courts and not commercial (Admiralty) law?
Learn Common law from 1776 printing then read the District of Columbia act of 1871 and tell me that, the congress of that time and subsequent, did not commit treason against the American people.

This is only the tip of the ice burg. The rabbit hole goes even deeper into the deception that has been done.
Most people refuse to believe this type of information, Don't believe a word I say, do your own research you will start slowly noticing other aspects of our lives that are more lies and deceit.