Why I disagree with the PROMOTION of Homosexuality.

in #freedom8 years ago (edited)

Yes that right snowflakes I disagree with it and im not afraid to speak my mind because you may be offended . You are totally offending me by disregarding how it makes me feel, so brace yourself, i'm about to tell you what your so reluctant to hear from a straight person.

.1 Men.
I do not want to know about what/where/how your putting things in your bum and that you have the right to do so.

.2 Woman.
I do not want to hear that you hate men and refuses to put a penis in your bum or front bum and have the right to do so.

.3 Transgender.
I do not want to hear about how there is so little inside your head, that all that is or on your mind is what's in your pants and you have the right to do so.

.4. Other.
Well all that is just a pile of crap to confuse the hell out of everyone so no point is even saying anything.

Now before you start with all the homophobia rubbish, let me say this. I dont care what you are or what your doing behind closed doors. If thats your choice then thats your choice, it doesn't worry or offend me that your homosexuale .


I don't want or need it, thank you very much. It is not a part of my life and it is MY freedom of thought that you are VIOLATING by attempting to make me constantly think about your freedom of choice.


I'm sure most of you are nice and kind people regardless of what your doing with you genitales. What your doing with your genitals really should not be the primary concern in your life. There as so many truly important things to do and think about that being a homosexuale isn't really important .

So some of you will be saying that homophobia is a important topic because of the persecution you/they are suffering.
Well wake up its not the bloody 80's anymore when it was almost a national pass time to bash a poof.
It's 2017 and that attitude no longer exists . Yes homosexuales are caused harm, but no more than any other part of the population, SO GET OVER IT and go enjoy your rights and freedoms and stop pissing me off with all that "poor me" crap. Grow up and go do something constructive.

Right that feels better, hope you have a great day.

Now...has anyone seen my dog...?

This an edit that i did after i posted this. The upvote payment was changed 9 minutes after posting to zero...lol who says that steemit is not a censored platform. Everything is censored people. ; o)


Ah, yes, this is very controversial indeed. But no reason for someone to flag you or down vote you. We each have our opinions. We each have a right to voice those opinions. However, out of good manners, some subjects, such as flaunting your sexual orientation should be kept private. And I believe that goes for homosexuals as well as straight people. Like you, I don't want it shoved down my throat, or taught to children in school. I am an older person and as such, I am very old fashioned. Somethings are just meant to be kept behind closed doors. And again, I say that is meant for both straight and gay people. I am so tired of hearing how some are discriminated against, I am a Christian and therefore, frequently discriminated against for my beliefs. Especially by those who never bother to ask exactly what I believe about a specific topic. I don't whine about it, I just accept they are truly ignorant people and move on.

On another note, this might explain why I have seen up votes disappear from my posts. I don't write anything controversial, but perhaps it is jealousy. I did not know people could do this if they don't like you, or something you said. I certainly hope it stops.

Thank you for that, so few are willing to stand up any more. I don't normally vent like that but ...man...this thing at the school just pushed me to far. It was quite surprising how fast these people melted away after they attacked me and i stood my ground. They are weak in their souls and tormented by their guilt, that's why they want to force this on us, so they can help themselves believe it's ok. Sadly this flagging and down voting business in just getting started. Christians like yourself and I are being directly targeted because we are all that stands between them and a world overrun with perversion. They hate us with a passion my friend , but we will win and you know why. Stay strong and stand your ground.

No matter what happens, I am a Christian and will always be a Christian, nothing will ever change that. Some of those folks try to say that homosexuality is not a sin. That is so not true. It is a sin but so is stealing, cheating, murder, lying and numerous other things. We are all sinners. It is not up to us to judge each other, that is God's job. We should all stand up, but I am afraid most take the easiest path of least resistance to avoid confrontation or to be judged themselves. God Bless!!

Well said and i totally agree. I will continue to make people aware but as you said it's God that does the judging not us. Our job is to create opportunity for other to see and hear the truth.... lol... but I will in future do my best to be a little less provocative and perhaps a little less descriptive : o)

Thank you my new friend. God bless you too.


Well said! i agree

Haha ur not going to hell for this, God doesnt agree wirh the promotion of homosexuality either..

lol your right, but if we bring God into it, they have a big mechanism in place to discredit us, After all "we' know who their master is ; o)
voted you

Thats it! Cheers

Thankyou I know im going to get hell over this but i'm tired of the double standard.

I'm upvoting your post even though I disagree. Flagging people for their opinions isn't cool.

Thank you that's very kind and that is exactly the way i would expect a level head reply of opposition to sound . Good job

I gave you a vote back because of your level head.. well done again. would have done it sooner however I was debating several people at once and it slipped my mind . I can only think of about 9 things at once and maintain balance debate : o )
cheers THL

Ah front bum. Best term for a minge. Ever.

Could you imagine the reaction from all these snowflakes if I used average Aussie speech instead of this massively cleaned up version .lol that would have really made them cry.....and yes front bum is still one of my alltime favorites...hehehe cheers mate ; o)

I am totally agree with you. Homosexual activity is unnatural. Nature create every thing accordingly with its own function if you disturb it then many abnormality can come. So lets go with nature.

You may want to take a biology class.
Homosexual behavior occurs frequently in nature with almost every species.
Some species are even bi-gender and many fish are hermaphrodites.
There are so many animals with homosexual tendencies it is possible there are more that do than those that don't.
Humans are mammals with a lower brain just like every other animal with instincts.
The only reason we think we're special is because we have an upper brain that allows us to think so.

Please familiarise yourself with the First Amendment

Im not American mate . If thats the amendment you're referring to and if you are, didn't I just exercise it ?