I did listen to his book a while back, but am ashamed to say that I can’t remember it too well. It was probably a combination of my short attention span, and the fact that I was already familiar with the philosophy of liberty.
I think that Libertarianism is so natural, that selling people on it, is a simple matter of guiding their minds to the realization that their heart yearns for freedom. So in that sense, the title alone sets his intent, and from the looks of the reviews on Amazon he’s striking the right chord with people.
I think that almost everybody is a Libertarian, those who know they know, and those who don't know that they know. The trick is getting those who don't know they know, to know that they know, you know?
Freedom seems like it would be a great tool for accomplishing that. I need to listen to it again at some point, and then also read Rothbard's For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto.
Thank you. I need a favor from you... as a step towards "give me 10!"... LOL Not push ups demanded from Adam's Drill Sergeant, but 10 minutes a day, 6 days a week, to work your social and business circles to get millenials to read or listen to the book... with an appeal to them to give you the appraisal, just as we are going through here.
This "first step" is to come up with a short letter from your heart, which will get someone to agree to read or listen... and if they listen, tell them they can stop the vid after the 10 min. mark if they think it sucks.
email me: [email protected]