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RE: [ARTICLE] A thought about freedom and education #03

in #freedom8 years ago

I'm conflicted. Freedom of choice is a great thing of course. And I believe it's true many schools are just indoctrination centers in a sense. However i think about my childhood years in school pre teen. I learned a lot about freedom. Not because they taught it. Although we did have a few cool history teachers. Because my mother fought back. As an example, when I was six I was unsure I believed in God, and I noticed someone in my class did not have to say the pledge of allegiance. When I asked why he said it was against his religion. I have no idea what that religion was but I sure wanted to use that right too. I did not like the word being in the pledge. So the next day I did not stand up during the pledge. I was immediately thrown out of school suspended for a week. That lasted about 2 hours until my mother caught wind of what happened. She marched me back busted right into the teacher's class sat me down and gave that teacher the riot act. Threatened lawsuits got the principal etc. Consider i'm 50 this was the early 70's. From that point on I was allowed to sit stand, say the pledge not say it, leave out the word God. And I made sure to exercise that right throughout my elementary experience. And being white and living in a fairly nice school district. School wasn't so bad. ( I add that only to admit that my experience was not the norm of say an inner city child of any color ) But I wonder had I been home schooled... I surely would have been taught about freedoms. But would I have to fight for them? Not sure I would have.

Anyway I am a big proponent of Free Skools ( yes spelled that way) and we have many collectively run classes for free in my town on language, know your rights, philosophy,arts etc. DIY baby it works.

I did not learn much in high school. I ended up taking a 6 month tech class right before the tech boom which was better than any degree would have got me at the time. Anyway im babbling great post!


Really interesting story friend! Definetly there are good and schools, the ones that tries to make a difference and teach nice values makes me fell that not everything is lost! :)