Us humans, have been living with fear for a long time. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of success. It is an emotion most of us have experienced throughout our lives. Down through the generations, fear is something that has helped to keep us away from danger and also has helped us to create change.
But this year, Fear has been used as a tool to keep people in their place. It began with the fear of a virus,which led to fear of death both for ourselves and for others. We have been told that our refusal to conform will led to the death of others. That by refusing to wear a mask you are being selfish.
And yet the truth continues to come out, for everyone to see, if only they knew where to look and to turn off their televisions!
A Huge campaign, has now been rolled out, labelling anyone that goes against the plandemic as being a Fascist and Nazi, whilst so many people who have dedicated their time to spreading the truth are being censored on all major social media. I see it happening in Ireland, Spain, England, America and Australia. The one thing those in power fear is the truth!
And now, now we have people who are too scared to be seen as going against the narrative, because they fear, that they too will be seen as a fascist. So the fear continues, spreading more and more, forking out in to different parts of our lives. Aimed at affecting those who are losing the most.
It is so obvious, that it is us, the 'common people' and those who run small businesses that they wish to send under. That they are the most affected, we keep hearing about how the economy is suffering, but who really is suffering the most. Not the major corporations or the government. How long, before we start to see more and more people become homeless because they can not afford to pay their rent.
It leaves me thinking, what has to happen to get more and more people to take action and speak out, to break through the fear that is crippling them all.
I have been trying to plant little seeds, to encourage people to look outside of the box, to really think about what is happening and not just settle for what they are told. To see things for themselves, to remember who they are!
Indeed how far will it go, well as far as let it go!
For now, for now it is important, to spend our time reminding people what life is all about. To spread positivity, to promote a healthy lifestyle, to sing whilst we are out, to play. To let people hear you laugh, to no longer live in fear. To remember what it is to be human.
Yes we experience fear throughout our lives, but it should never rule us. We need to remember that first and foremost we are creators, that it is up to each one of us to create the that life we want. That we all hold that power within us and we need to embrace. So take the time to spread positivity, to let that cancel out the fear.

watching and waiting,
drifting off into hidden spaces
feeling small within the doors that we creep through
entering into the warmth of our embrace
lucid dreaming
in the waves that carry us forward
taken by gentle songs that propel us
projecting our visions into the sky
ablaze with red and orange
fires that fuel the creative spirit
that take us to greater heights
as we soar into the night
our dreams are already happening
as we walk amongst the people that we seek to become,
finally we see!
finally we allow our masks to drop to the floor
and our breath takes in the wisdom of our ages
our connection felt as our chests rise and fall.
understanding ,
your wings have broken free,
nothing holding you back,
you step out into the sun

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Very well written.
Fear is the way people in power try to control us. But it’s very hard to ignore the science. Turning off the television does help, because it’s a constant loop of bad news.
I find refuge in enjoying nature on our farm away from the world of chaos.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and expressing the need for more positivity 😊
Yes being outside is so grounding, it really helps us remember what is important and what we really need in order to survive, thanks for dropping by xx
The pleasure is mine!!
That was so well said... truthful and beautiful.
We're living in a time that may reveal the strength of the human spirit as our collective backs are put against the wall.
I'm putting my money on us.
I have definitely witnessed the strength of many. I also know more and more people are realizing what is going on but are unsure what to do. There are some of us that have to just be an example and continue to move away from the system, I have faith too xx
thank you @sancti