Passion Makes The World Go Around, Money Just Tags Along For The Ride!

in #freedom7 years ago

How many times have you heard the phrase 'money makes the world go round', as the speaker justifies themselves working exceptionally hard or denying something that part of them really wants to experience? Reality is that it is passion that fuels life and when we get things back to front it doesn't end well!

passion pay cheque

Here's a thought experiment for you - what feels good to you? What REALLY FEELS GOOOD? Rest? Sex? Love? Travel? Exercise? Sunshine? Music? Free Expression?

I don't mean to bias your answer, but these are examples of what generally tends to feel good to most people (including me) - they all share something in common - they either ARE or inspire VIBRATION. Our emotional self is our vibrational self, so it is logical that the experience that feels best will involve vibration of some kind.

Now, let's move on to money. Does money make you feel GOOD? Perhaps if we zoom in to money on the sub atomic level we will see some vibration, but generally speaking it is not in and of itself a particularly powerfully vibrating 'thing'. The vibrations that surround money tend to be our own emotions in response to what we think money can or will 'get' us. However, these 'things' tend to often be the real things that cause our emotions to get fired up - such as us being able to travel to a great place or any other thing that we are excited about.

Therefore, we can start to understand how our excitement at money may actually not be real excitement at all, but excitement for other things being redirected and projected onto money, as if money were the cause - when it isn't.

What would occur if we were to just destroy all money overnight? Would the world be destroyed in a fiery explosion? Or would we just do whatever our passion directs us to do to survive and live well?

Enlightenment & The Child

I am not intending these words to be 'anti-money' - they are more 'pro enlightenment' and 'pro reality'. Why would we use alcohol to feel good when we have already learned that deep breathing, exercise, good nutrition and sunshine all result in us feeling much better than alcohol does? Why would we continue to thirst after money when we realise that passion is more powerful and valuable than money?

Part of the cause of this mis-direction of our energy is in our childhood programming/conditioning - we often have our passion squashed and controlled in school and by parents as they attempt to force us to fit into a box to 'make good money when we get older'. The result of this has been that entire fields of study and discovery have received almost no attention for generations that would, when rediscovered, result in humanity's rapid elevation to a new level of awareness and success. What if there is more money in just being yourself than in becoming a lawyer? As long as we crush childrens' ability to be themselves, we will never find out whether this is possible or not.


Thankfully, sites like Steemit are helping us recover some of our raw, expressive ability in a way that can be monetised, helping us break free of the heavily controlled money grid that has us conforming to ideals that we ourselves did not create and do not understand the motivation behind. It's now possible to get paid more from Steem just for showing a video of a rehearsal of a song in your bedroom than it is from playing a gig in a bar for 2 hours! Amazing!

When we allow ourselves to be aligned to our true passion, we can quickly discover that it was not that our passion cannot support us or that we are 'untalented' - but that the resources of the world have been held in the hands of so few, who had such a limited idea of what the world needed that previously our passions had not been given a chance to support us in an environment that reflected back to us the power of our OWN form of real passion.

A new reality of passionate power is here already - we just need to allow ourselves to tune into it with every breath.. Just like peace and just like everything else we need - our thoughts are the 'dial' on the radio receiver, so now we just need to remember to remember to tune them to what feels good and not what feels mediocre or dead. ;)

"Let's imagine a future that we might like to live in and see if we can bring that into being!"

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul

Vote @ura-soul for Steem Witness!

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Where does a guy find this kind of enlightenment? How have you set yourself free from the bonds of your childhood?
This is a very thoughtful and helpful post. I have 4 young children and I am doing my best to teach them, math, writing and reading. They are learning much more but I am trying to make sure they get those three things.
They all love to read books if I could supply them with good books at their level that didn't have an agenda it would be awesome. I am reading these books myself and seeing that most of them have an enslavement mentality attached to them. Or they are in some other way complete propaganda.
Do you have children?
If you do what do you give your children to read?
Their little minds are so beautiful and spectacular I want to encourage them, But mostly if they could they would glue themselves to the TV/notepad/youtube if we allowed that. We have removed TVs from our house because of the negative impact it had.
They all have PC's and laptops but just want to play and not be learning. Our oldest son has a steemit account.
What would you suggest?

Oh, great question! This is really my favourite angle on all this because it gets so close to the core of the issue. Unfortunately, to answer this means writing hundreds of pages. I have written many posts about heart healing and other important aspects that are relevant for all, but they are not written for children.

Thankfully, I was always aware of the issue of mind control - even from birth and as a small child. I can specifically remember that I made sure not to do exceptionally well in exams, so that I wouldn't be segregated from everyone else and analysed by 'men in white coats' (as i thought of it then). I think I understood this quickly, partially (ironically) from watching a lot of adult TV - maybe from the 1960s - when such topics were covered by various movie makers and authors etc. - I agree that today's TV is not only shoddy in comparison, but it actually really IS FULL of deliberate mind control for a wide variety of purposes. The older TV has mind control in it in places too, but interestingly it is so poorly hidden by today's standards that it becomes possible to identify it and learn what mind control is.. Whereas today the methods are quite advanced and difficult to detect in some cases.

I didn't need to be told much about all this though and I feel some of my understanding came with me into this life from my previous existence.

In any case, TV and these things are not really necessary since the essence of being balanced is being the natural self and a big part of that is being in and out in nature. Playing is a hugely important part of life and of being balanced - it is a way of learning without the pressure and drudgery of tests and overpowering of free will. However, when it comes to learning truly important things, it helps to know WHY they are important and how they will help you on a daily basis. I wasn't much interested in chemistry or maths at school, partially because I couldn't really see how what I was being taught was going to help me. If I had known then that I would need to know certain forms of maths to understand the universe, the pyramids of giza and the shape of my own face - I would have paid more attention. The other problem is that what is taught in schools is typically not even close to being an uncensored, truly powerful version of the knowledge that could be taught. Therefore, in the current would I would advise:

  • Don't get too caught up with conforming to the system to get 'grades'.
  • Use the internet to learn beyond the syllabus.
  • Make time to learn from nature through living naturally and finding your own nature.
  • BE aware that the universe is essentially a giant, resonating 'hall of records' from which we can learn without reading any books or being 'taught' anything - if we know how to be quiet, listen, tune in and receive - we can 'log on' to the real 'inner net' that is hidden by schooling.

In short, I value meditation and yoga above most school books - though academia has a place too.

I don't have children, no - though I may do one day. I realised that I had a lot of work to do to prepare the world to be of a level of balance that I would want to invite new beings into through having children.. So I have focused on that for a long time.

Having read hundreds of books I can only really recommend a small number to anyone and an even smaller number for children. I am writing my own books and intend to make one a kind of 'zen' version that will be very simple and ideal for children.. But they won't be ready for a while. I suggest looking at these books - more for yourself, as they will help you greatly in finding answers in general. They are for children's minds too - but they are not for everyone and the material really goes VERY deep, so it would be definitely best for parents to read them before giving them to children.


Have you read Benedictus Spinoza - Ethica yet? And if so, mind me picking your brain on the subject of Solipsism? 🙏

I am not aware of that book, no (if it is a book). Solipsism has several interpretations, I think more in terms of oneness, whereby everything that exists is part of 'the one' - some have attempted to define that understanding as solipsism, however, it depends where you draw the line around the idea of 'self'. What questions do you have? :)

You should perhaps try it, I haven't even managed 20% yet, and I'm five+ months into contemplating the received information...

We'll get to The question in due time. 🙏

ETHICA Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata (wiki-link through due to markdown limitation)

whereby everything that exists is part of 'the one' - snip -

Q: How many 'the one' does one have "access" to?

🙏 1ove 💞

Great words here @ura-soul

If life is akin to a beautiful river, then (to a degree) the skill comes in allowing ourselves to float with it, whilst soaking up the vistas and sleeping on the shore ... as opposed to swimming against it's current and potentially drowning. :)

In being what we are not, we are blind to the majesty of who we are and indeed who we could be, sadly due to perceptual indoctrination and varying degrees of financial enslavement, to simply be is more difficult than I make it sound. Equally (especially with the advent of sites like Steemit) I believe it to be an ideal that will become increasingly achievable.

Great work my friend

Thanks! At times I have agreed that floating along sounds divine and in some senses it can be - but deeply within me I also know that I need to understand what the origin of the current is and where it is taking me. It is understandable to want to swim upstream to get to the cause - but thankfully, the river - as it turns out - is me too.. So I just need to realise that a previous "What? errr.." became the 'wat-er' and it is through my own thoughts that I can 'drift off' in any direction at all, including upstream - if that's where I am needed. hehe. When upstream is not upstream.

I feel that the things we find in life are a reflection of the collective energies that start non physically, so when we find inventions such as Steemit, we are finding a tuning fork that points our logic in a particular direction. The more we tune in and make our own tuning forks, the more the cosmic orchestra starts to sounds more like music than the drone that gets created when the passion is missing. :)

Hey my friend, great reply :) Yes I understand what you're saying and I agree. In terms of the river, I mean it in the respect that following the river is staying true to ourselves and our path. Like the comment you made in the post "What if there is more money in just being yourself than in becoming a lawyer?" Life seems to point us in a general direction but we often fight against it and attempt to be something we're not. The skill comes in knowing yourself and understanding the direction life wants to point you in and not over complicating or indeed over thinking things to much .. or something like that. :)

With regards to the tuning fork that statement is both veritas and eloquently written. Great work as always @ura-soul

Hey @ura-soul I had a really long and detailed response. Then my esteem app crashed and refused to post the reply. Gist of the reply, great stuff, keep it up. We are working towards our own vegan tapas bar in the sun so we can live and work as a family. 😃

Oh, ouch! Nevermind - the gist is enough! Thanks - your plan sounds great, I have a similar one. :)

😂 well as long as you are not directly beside me we'll get on just fine. Thinking of doing an adventure sport type thing too. Only because I could do all the activities myself 😁😁

hehe - i am planning a healing centre somewhere jungley :)

Brilliant, sounds great. I can't wait to see it develop.

Also I'll be looking forward to seeing your plan evolve too.

Your message is profound, and it comes to me in the most crucial time. Thank you for the wisdom and encouragement! It is vastly appreciated.

Truly Serendipitous!


Oh! Thankyou for your synchronicity and for being willing to be more of yourself! <3

When we allow ourselves to be aligned to our true passion, we can quickly discover that it was not that our passion cannot support us or that we are 'untalented' - but that the resources of the world have been held in the hands of so few, who had such a limited idea of what the world needed that previously our passions had not been given a chance to support us in an environment that reflected back to us the power of our OWN form of real passion.

That's the greatest fact I've seen today on steemit!
Honestly you've said it all and in black and white. Simple truth

This is a really special post and it touches on everything I really believe in. I was taught at a young age to do things I am passionate about, and not to do things that will mindlessly make a dollar. I was taught that if you stick to what you are passionate about, the money will come in time. I later realized that the saying "if you love what you do, you never work day in your life" was absolutely true!

I am passionate about health and wellness and I knew I wanted to pursue it, not because it made millions (it does not haha) but because I truly enjoyed it. I knew that If I truly loved my work, people would see and feel the love that I put into it. I wasn't worried about the monetary compensation, I just had a feeling that one day the money part would work out.

At first it was hard (I was actually making nothing at all) but I didn't give up and the passion I felt for health and wellness is still there, stronger than ever. It took a while but continuing in this line of work has finally paid off! I know don't have to worry about paying my bills and I am fortunate enough to live in one of the most beautiful places on earth!

I love this post because I think so many people can learn from it! It isn't about what makes you a dollar (that is a short term way of thinking and you will never feel fulfilled), it is about what puts a smile on your face. It is about doing something that doesn't feel like work at all...something you look forward to doing!

Being passionate about what you do makes the community, whether it is Steemit or a different community, a better place.

Truly an inspiring post!

Thankyou and thanks for being you!

Sadly, the money is in illness, not health.. There's no money in healthy people, there's no money in dead people - the money is right in the middle between them. I think, frankly, that says something about money.

All that being said, if you are an able educator that provides a proven service that results in people getting genuinely healthier, it is absolutely possible to become 'steeenking reech'. lol

That is my only goal! To make sure everyone lives their life as the happiest, healthiest person they can be!

Excellent - then you are absolutely a white blood cell in the body of humanity :)

And of course I voted for you to become a Witness! Not really sure what that means though haha I am new to Steemit and I am still learning the ropes, but I do know it is a good thing to be a Witness (I think) and people like yourself that have amazing things to talk about need to be all over this platform! :)

Great article. Just in sync with one of my latest pondering.

I think that it is a deeply engrained mindset "to work in order to make a living in order to survive". Whether we enjoy our work or not, the entire mindset is conditioned by 'working in order to make a living in order to survive'. I don't want that! I want to enjoy my life and do things without attachment to money. Doing something we love is wonderful, but again, it is still 'working to make a living to survive'.

In order to do we have to BE, not vice versa. So we should get paid for BEING. Our mere decision to experience ourselves here on this separated planet and to help it with our Light energy is more than enough to earn the right of receiving everything we each need to live in a way that makes us happy.

Having said that, Steemit is surely wonderful and groundbreaking in itself, but I realize that it is not the definite solution against world unequality.

Which is why I love Manna, which you probably know about. It is a new emerging cryptocurrency which aims at creating a UBI(= Universal Basic Income) by freely distributing Manna on a weekly basis. The only condition in order to receive Manna is to sign up. The weekly distribution currently is ~11 Manna, yet as the price value increases the amount of weekly Manna distribution will probably sink. Mannabase's whitepater also talks of each Human's natural right to receive money very much like one's right to breath.
There are currently about 77,000 accounts, and the distribution started on March 1, 2018. Being an early bird is definitely imperative.

I highly recommend it too you, and personally think that Manna will be a core crypto currency in a not so far away future.

"where do you live?"
"I must live everywhere, or I would be dead!"

So how do we 'make a living'? We do that just be breathing, that's the easy part - let's stop the self created traps of overcomplicating things, indeed.

I feel the loving light of spirit is the really needed 'manna' and that actually this is the way to be really free - it all starts in the heart of the being and we surely can't learn that if we are too busy to even be!

Perfectly expressed! We make a living by breathing, anything further is overcomplicating. Thanks! :)

Passion is what gets you through the hardest times that might otherwise make strong men weak, or make you give up. And about money, well it is not the only answer, but it makes a difference.

I feel that in a pure energetic sense, money is a bit of a distraction - but in such a maze as our world has become, often we can't see a solution that doesn't involve its use.

And if we follow our passion we will never blame ourselves for the things we have done, because we will always say we were following our passion.

Self acceptance is a requirement for inner peace and success, absolutely!

fantastic message ura-soul, many people get it ass backwards, but sometimes it can be hard to truly know where your passion resides... once you find this passion, however, there shall be no stopping you from achieving what you have to out to do for this world, whatever it may be!!

Awesome man, keep it up... I shall be here for the ride along

Excellent, thanks! If we have the passion to find our passion, we can't fail! :)

ahh this is so very true!! I guess we first have to have that drive and passion to find whatever it may be that is our destine path to success

You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus, and the support.
And a little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money.


Great post :) enjoyed the read!


Let us indeed imagine as such! 🙏
And may we #realize the #value of our sole #attention.

Ubuntu (-Tellinger)

Best title ever