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RE: cryptoil: a familiar path to oppression?

in #freedom7 years ago

Thank you so much. I think I love Steemit already, I really love the sense of community.

To me, Grecko is just a synonym for greed, and you are 100% right, it is indeed powerful. Most of the problems in the world are in one way or another a product of greed. Think back to the tobacco companies telling people that smoking was safe, that was motivated by greed, and that greed has killed millions of people. Or companies like Coca-Cola claiming that coke is a part of a healthy diet and lifestyle (or at least implying it) even though evidence has shown how much damage sugar does in the body. 2008, built and fueled by greed.

There is a lot of greed in the world, and it has more power than we can even imagine.

I am sorry for going all Christian on you, but the bible says "the love of money is the root of all evil", but money itself is not evil. It is a tool like any other tool you have, and as much as people say it does not matter to them, it is an essential tool if you want to survive in the modern world. Money is not evil, but people do evil things to get it, and it is the things that people do out of greed that are the most evil.


thanks for the response . I agree hole heartly .
A more correct translation is "the pursuit of money....) lol . yes it's incredible what people will do for money because it brings them power and prestige . People are gullible and believe whatever come over the bube tube or just want to hang their hat on the rich guy.
So much wealth in the world and we can't take care of our sick , elderly and poor what a shame . Technology is changing a lot of things and has over the past decade or so, so we will see where we are in years to come

Thank you for correcting me. I totally agree with you. There is enough knowledge, wealth, technology and other resources to end all of the problems in the world. The only thing missing is love and compassion.

Let me correct myself, there is enough love, just not enough of the right kind. Love is a complicated thing because there are so many different kinds of love. There is a pure, uncorrupted, selfless love, and on the other end of the spectrum is that love that comes from a dark place, that love which is the mother of greed, that completely self-serving love. Dark love will destroy us, and pure love will be our salvation. In the meantime what do we do?

The health industry is a perfect example of a system built on dark love. Do not get me wrong, if I have a heart attack the only place I would want to be when that happens is in a hospital. What I am saying though is that the people who have the most to gain are those who own the patents to the pills and potions that our doctors give us (i.e. big pharma). We could fix the entire health industry nearly over night if we could find a way to reward doctors and medical insurance companies for keeping people healthy, and to punish them by paying them nothing for each ill person until they bring that person back to good health. If we could find a way to make that happen, wouldn't that just change everything? We already have everything we need to make it happen, we just need to find a way of putting it all together, the only thing is that there is too much dark love for this to happen today.

These are all things that you have stated above that have crept in slowly over time . I have pondered about it and have come to one remedy .
We elect people who make these Laws and Regulations . We do so blindly . We do not look at what the individual can do for us but who's banner he flies . If we would only elect the right person not only for the job but the time we would be alot further along.

It reminds me of Churchill , he was the right man for the time . Grant was another . I could go on and on , but my point is that these men had flaws and many flaws . But they executed their duties perfectly for the time that they were in . We need to get back to what can you do for us instead of the political BS that we have now . But until the people pull their head out of their rear defilade things will not change . As a groupe we allowed these things to occur

If you look at the Witness's here on Steemit you will see the same thing . some of them should not be in the top 50 . They are there because people voted for them out of greed instead of what they have to offer the platform

LOL this is the longest reply I have ever made . I am glad you are here on Steemit . You can make a difference . The platform is changing , but slowly . You have picked a great one to follow :)