Fist of all the meaning of freedom
Freedom, independence, and liberty refers to a separation of undue opportunity and an restriction to exercise one's rights and powers. Freedom highlights the opportunity given for the exercise of one's rights, desires, powers, or the like: freedom of speech or conscience; freedom of movement. Independence connotes not only lack of restrictions but also the ability to stand alone, untenable by anything else: Independence of thought promotes discovery and invention. Liberty generally interchanged with freedom is also used to connote undue exercise of freedom.

My point of view
A human being having real freedom actually must meet the standard of being always happy and making others happy as well. He must avoid getting angry, never struggle with others, never fight with others and he must love others entirely. We must achieve this standard to be really free. Freedom is not from your power, but from your goodness.
As the purpose of freedom is to generate it for others, it is one thing you can never have unless you give it to others. Before you appreciate freedom you have to first take full control yourself. You should not make yourself a nuisance to other people.

Below are some ways you can be free
Decide what freedom means to you
Can you be totally free if you live at home with your parents? Can you be free if you're locked up in a jail, or live under an autocratic regime? Can you be free if you work 24/7? It all depends on you. Only you can actively enhance yourself and your station in life, moving toward the freest possible version of yourselves.Identify what you really want from life
Think from the beginning of your life till the end . When you're flashing back over it, what do you hope to see? A life of pleasure? Of family and success?Of accomplishment? Do you want to be feared and respected, or do you want to live a quiet life of solitude and contemplation? Try to identify what will make you happy, in and of itself, and what kind of a life creates room for that happiness.Identify what is keeping you from getting what you truly desire
If i may ask, are you living your ideal life right now? If not, then whats stands in your way? What would need to change to get what you truly desire? If you are living your ideal life, what would be essential to endure your lifestyle? Why aren't you doing what you want right now, today, this moment, this second? What's stopping you?
Basically, someone who is free has the legal allowance to do whatever he or she wants in so far as he or she does not indecently coerce or harm other people against those other people's wills. Bear in mind that, the limitation is a logical requirement. Freedom evidently can not include the legal right to limit other people's freedom because that would be illogical.
Freedom of interpretation, freedom of speech, freedom to choose our own lives, freedom to dictate thoughts that work for us can rescue us from our own limiting self-made constructs.
In conclusion
Principally, whoever wants freedom from a government sometimes may get bondage in jail; from society or community, sometimes may get trouble; from a family or a community, sometimes may commit suicide.
The one who wants freedom from oneself will surely get the real one through losing one's egoism by practicing the meditation and renunciation, and thereby accomplishing the realization of Full Enlightenment. It has been my purpose to let you know where to discover the real freedom and how to get it.
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Good your post
Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
Nothing can beat the nature of freedom. Well written friend
Thank you man:)
Reality is, not everyone of us is actually FREE, though we thought we are. Society may sometimes dictate how we live our lives, because of our need to belong and be accepted.
I cannot agree more with you that we should learn how to Identify what is keeping us from getting what we truly desire - because only through it we can truly be free
upvoted and followed and will be waiting for more interesting posts
We have different opinion but thanks for advice :))
Great post. So amazing
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