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RE: How Music Changed My Life - Part 1

in #freedomfirst6 years ago

Oh yes music! I can really relate to what you are talking about! I was also a very nice good girl, and then.. ;D Actually, funny enough, as an early teenager, for a little while I actually almost believed that I didn't really cared about music, not my thing.. Everyone in my school were listening to Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears and stuff (I'm 9 years later than you ;D) and it just did not rock my world. Then these 2 new girls started in the class, and they liked... rock music..(?) I instantly bonded with these cool gals and suddenly I got my first guitar and spend all my afternoons with my new friends, learning to play the guitar and listening to Metallica, Soundgarden, D:A:D and lots more. How it opened up my world!


It's about finding the music that does it for you. I've never really been into the music most teenagers my age liked. And I was too stubborn to follow trends. Looking back at that, it was a shame, actually, because I missed out on some good stuff. For example, when I was like 14 or so, Nirvana released their album Nevermind. At our school, you had to listen to Nirvana or you were a nobody. So I refused to listen to it.
It took me almost 20 years before I let go of it and actually listened to their music. Only to find out it was actually pretty good, lol.

Haha, yeah that's quite a funny coincidence ;D I listened to Nirvana when I was a teenager at that time too, but everyone else were listening to pop music and I don't really think I missed out on so much...!

Probably not, lol. The nineties wasn't really a decade that should be remembered for its pop music ;0)