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RE: Free Resteems Available - No Reputation Limit!

in #freedomfirst7 years ago

It didn’t ring a bell up until now, but I’ve actually been to Aarhus once. It was some sort of a school trip (we went there to go play volley ball against another school team.) I also planned to meet up with one of my ‘pen pals’ I had there back then, but for some reason that didn’t work out.
It was a really long time ago (it has been almost 25 years), but I assume you got that when I mentioned the words ‘pen pals’. Back in the days before social media or even email was mainstream, I wrote letters back and forth with people from all around Europe. Sounds so old-school, these days - lol.

I don’t remember a lot about Aarhus, except that it was covered in like 1,5m of snow, and it was beautifully white...


Haha wow thats insane. I feel like the messages and all that would mean so much since it was such a process to receive the letters. Now a days we open an app and bam lol, message or photo sent! Thats cool though (besides the 1.5 meters of snow) now a days they don't get much snow in the winters anymore. People ride bikes here 24/7 it seems. Crazy Danes!