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RE: Eagle Spirit & FreedomTribe's Collaboration, With An Invitation To Participate In #FreedomFriday No. 4 "What Does Freedom Mean To Me?"

in #freedomfriday6 years ago

@handofzara ok cool! hope you come back ahaahahahh whoa 3:33 hmmm thats a special number and for some reason a "jesus" type of love light feeling came to my third eye when i saw that right now. i usually dont say love and light i think its overdone but it is what i saw. what ive learned about 666 is man's struggle humankind. wish we could talk this out ... darnit


I think your third eye is correct, I always feel it is God winking, "I am" here, nudging me forward, calling me to action. When this happens a 3:33 am I get up make some coffee and begin my morning prayers. As to the 666, it is a reminder that I have a choice follow God or follow man. I choose God. May you have a blessed day @eaglespirit.

just saw you are in NC, i hope florence didn't kick you with her heels? let me know you are ok

@handofzara woo hoo! i choose God too, we are kindreds. xo

No Worries, I live in a section of the State that got just a little rain and nothing else. It is all about location! I lived down East for years but after Hurricane Floyd came through back in 1999 my wife insisted that we move to a much safer location. And when the Boss says move, we moved!
Thanks for asking and yes we are kindred!

@handofzara oh good, glad to hear you are okay!!! yeah i was in sandy and the other B that ripped NYC up, i was done after that. i was on staten island at the time. kindredssssss xo