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RE: Eagle Spirit & FreedomTribe's Collaboration, With An Invitation To Participate In #FreedomFriday No. 4 "What Does Freedom Mean To Me?"

in #freedomfriday6 years ago

This could be the difference of face to face speaking versus writing. The way we read something, also subjects such as politics and religion are touchy subjects. Like I said we all have a say, that is freedom, and that is my only point here. You have one and so do I. I know what I saw so, I was stating that. I won’t defend that. She may not like muslims and that is her choice. I’m not saying I agree with that. I did further research on her stance and I read a book on the muslim perspective. You are hitting on different topics like “peace, politics, etc.” about a woman that was locked up in her house for her people for most of her life and what set you off was a quote. A quote that she made and was given a nobel peace prize for. Granted the world is corrupt and I know about the deep state, the possible economic crash, the powers that truly rule this world and manipulate us into slavery, and many of us accept the slavery. I like to look at humankind as a work in progress, and we all do things as a learning experience as we are growing on our life path. There are others, like this particular group Im a part of that are willing to fight for all of us. There are many that are not like us, there arent a lot of William Wallaces in the world that are willing to die for freedom. This is how I see Aung San — fighting in her own way.
