ELAmental's Freedom Friday... Saturday - What Freedom Means to me & How I Feel About the Right to Bear Arms

in #freedomfriday6 years ago (edited)

Sometimes being fashionably late to the party is the only way to be. I intended to participate during last week's Freedom Friday, and intended to be on time this week, but as usual this time of year, there are not enough hours in the day for my busy life. I have worked over ten strait days, and I finally got this weekend off. So now I can bring you my Saturday version of Freedom Friday.

I will start by giving a quick answer to the first ever Freedom Friday question:
What does freedom mean to me?

First off, true freedom has likely only been experienced by ancient man, before the birth of "civil"-i-zation and modern society, with maybe the exception of a lucky few. The truth is we live in a world ruled by subjugation of humans, animals, and pretty much everything else. Personally, I cannot say I have ever known true freedom for any extended period of time, but I have felt freedom in concentrated forms during certain moments of my life. Sitting on top of a mountain during my first festival with 80,000+ people and no unnatural rules to follow, with everything still remaining peaceful, was a profound moment of freedom in my life.

With that being said, I know I have felt a greater sense of freedom through my life overall than many people, even other people in the United States. Even though I was brought up in public indoctrination schools, and was heavily influenced by organized religion during my youth, I was still able to break free of the chains so intricately ingrained in me by these forces, and achieve a liberated mind state, at the very least.

So what does freedom mean to me? It means to live a life according to your own core values and principals, regardless if society approves or not. I also have learned to appreciate the freedoms I have opportunities to enjoy in this lifetime, by realizing that these freedoms are not really free at all, and unfortunately were granted with the highest of costs. Remember how the freedoms you posses came to pass, and honor your past and ancestors who made sacrifices to give you your freedoms.

Now onto this weeks Freedom Friday question:
How do I feel about the right to bear arms?

I actually wrote an article about this when I was in Acapulco last February which you can view here, outlining my friend's opinions on the subject who is not on Steemit.

Our second amendment RIGHT is just that, our right, and we should exercise that right if we feel like we need to. I acknowledge that this world would be better off without guns, cannons, bombs, missiles, and other types of extreme lethal weapons, but I also acknowledge that this is not the world in which we live. We live in a world filled with indifferent violence and crimes of passion inflicting on other's rights to live freely. We cannot just abandon our defenses because we want to see everyone else do it, leading by example in this fashion does not apply so well in these type of senerios.

Click pic below to play this ever so relivant short clip

Many people are in favor of gun control regulations because they want to see less violence, when really all you get with that is less freedom and less protection. Our governments are disarming their citizens in many countries around the globe, especially in the United States. We also live in a world where authorities condition us how to think, feel, and act the way they want us to, which more often than not, does not align with our collective best interest. We have false flag shootings being staged so often I cannot even keep track of them, and all to scare us into approval of mass disarmament. I ask you to think of this question when considering these points... to what end are they doing this?

Image Source

Well I can say that there are way too many brand new empty prisons/FIMA camps that have been recently built, and I feel like the U.S. federal government is gearing up for something big. Once they decide to lay down the hammer, and everyone realizes they are about to be literally caged and enslaved in what are essentially concentration camps, how will we stop them if we have no artillery to defend ourselves with? They know that the victory will go to the side with the bigger stick, so the best way to ensure their plan is successfully executed, is to make sure we have no sticks at all. Otherwise we would overtake them whit our sheer numbers, even though their arsenals would be better equipped and more technologically advanced than ours, we just have way more than they do (just with veterans alone, not even counting civilians).

The day will come when most people realize our power is with us, and not with the government that supposedly represents us. Our power is in our numbers, and as long as we continue to resist and disobey unconstitutional gun and weapons laws, then they will never have the confidence they desire to pull the trigger for our submission to their ultimate oppression: enslavement.

So lets resist in this instance, join the revolution for peace, and take back the wealth that was stolen, causing our dis-ease. Are you down for the cause, or are you up with this evolutionary pause? Enough with the suppression, it doesn't phase me - rise up the engagement, liberation re-attainment in stages, non-complacent or enslavement. One choice - it won't be given - so take it.

Blessings everyone & stay tuned - into the right frequencies.


If you have any tales to tell about how you are helping to heal the Earth that you would like to post about, please do so, and enter my weekly Earth DeedsClick here to view this weeks entry article for more information. contest for a chance to win a @TribeSteemUp up-vote!!

click here to go to the design contest entry article for more information.I am also hosting a design contest for an @EarhtTribe that is going to garner another hefty rewards pool. We are looking for a logo, banners, and page separators for the community to use in future publications and projects. If you are an artist and wish to enter,


Do not forget that my debut conscious Hip-Hop album is completely free for download on Bandcamp and Soundcloud (click the links to go to my music on those platforms), or CLICK HERE for download instructions.











PLEASE CLICK HERE to view my blog with all my recent articles on cannabis, silver, Steemit, contests, cryptos, underground conscious Hip-Hop, healthy living, festivals, my collections, and MY STEEMIT STORIES! & have a BLESSED DAY!!

Until such a day where corruption does not exist, we will always have the right to bear arms for defense, weather or not any government wants to agree with that is irrelevant - wake up to reality - this is not a fairy tale - and we need to be prepared for war - because when war comes, it will not wait for us to be ready, and will have no sympathy for the defenseless and innocent.


yay my bruthaaa!! thank you for joining my initiative with support of the FT and TSU. I completely lives your post and you are RIGHT ON! love love ... your sis, eagle spirit

Thank you home girl, I just saw that you have been pulled up with us into TSU!! I am honored you are with us, and you deserve it.

yay i'm with my peeps! woo hoo!! your comment really brought tears to my eyes and i thank you so much. means a lot to me. xo


strange, i dont see a comment LOL

I love that Family Guy clip. haha.

Right? I am not a fan of the show any longer, however wrting about this kept making me think of that scene. I am glad someone uploaded the correct clip from the episode I needed.

Yes! Thank you for pointing out false flag attacks and then questioning WHY. Indeed, why spe d resources on empty camps without the intention to fill them?
Great post, well said.

Thank you, it just appears like its a trap. I like your account name btw. We grew a cannabis strain this year called Tree of Life. Its beautiful and smells like lemons.

We are each a tree of life, indeed. 😊 Beautiful name for a medicine!

It turned out to be one of our best strains this season.

I do believe in freedom and have a deep distrust of the "government" But I also distrust many who have arms in their hands right now. Don't really know where I stand on it besides that everyone who has a gun should know how to use it correctly and be free of mental disease - and that is a whole other hornet nest I don't want to stir up right now.

Great points! I also distrust many who have arms in their hands currently, which is why it is so important to have your own defenses, from people like that... including our own government and it's military.

I do not currently own a fire arm, but I do own almost every other tactical self defense weapon. Thank you for your input.

Thank you for participating in #freedomfriday! We have sent 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome with your username in the memo. Thank you for your conscious contribution to this platform! Steem on! 🙏❤

Thank you for everything you do in this community. Blessings bro, it was great to meet you all in person.