My children and indeed all children instinctively have a great thirst for knowledge, the are learning all the time and they take such pride in that learning too. their ability to teach themselves is outstanding, they do of course need to be in a stimulating environment and have access to the materials and books that they desire. My children have learned so much from being outside and have a natural desire to read and write as they see me doing it regularly and know that it is a skill that is needed in life, but there are so many other important skills such as growing food, making clothes, making music, using hand tools, looking after animals, knowledge of good nutrition, my oldest 2 do all of these things also. they are 9 and 5. It is the world they are exposed to that is important that and the faith we have in them. There is such a concrete belief that we need to be taught by others, that is drilled into you when you go to school, where subjects are forced on you, I have seen the look of excitement on my girls faces when they learn by themselves, they enjoy the whole experience and they feel very proud of themselves, this is something that is missing in school, because learning becomes a chore instead of something enjoyable. Of course education is important, I am learning all the time and so am my children, school can not compare to the experiences one gets in the world.
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Reminds me of this song, you are right and maybe one day we will have the best of both worlds.