Great post Marky Mark! I'm from Albany New York but I spend 95% of my time outside the country traveling and living around the world. I saw the virus stuff coming and booked a ticket to Thailand. I'm feeling damn good about my decision. I see what is going on back home and it is sad and frightening. Seeing the people censored and their freedoms destroyed seemingly overnight is mind boggling.
In this post you mention just another grab at our rights and privacy. But I do think this is all part of the great awakening. People are getting smacked up-side their head so hard now by government over reaches many can't help but ask questions and wake up! Sad to say I feel way more free here in Thailand than back home and unfortunately always have (been coming here for 17 years now). No virus where I am, never any lock down, and life is good. So keep up the good fight and thank you for all you do here on hive as well as supporting my blog too. Your contribution to the platform is very much appreciated.
Have a great day!