Freedom and Rights

in #freedomrights3 years ago

It's really simple once you understand it. But that can take time when there is a lifetime of conditioning and indoctrination.

They want you to believe government grants freedom, and can take them away. They grant rights, and can take them away. No, that's a despot. That's a dictator. That's a tyrant. That's the real world, unfortunately.


You aren't granted freedom by anyone. You are free.

You aren't granted rights by anyone. You have rights.

Only the authoritarians in their grand delusion seek to make you believe they can grant and take away things that aren't theirs to begin with.

This is how deluded we are as a society. And people think they are actually free this way. "Freedom" is the big mantra for democracy. What a joke. It's only as free as they let you be.

Look at Julian Assange and tell me about freedom! Ha! Pathetic joke!

And they still want to pretend, the media, government and other "authorities" that you are living free and that the government is so wonderful. Pipe dreams.