Hi! Friend today Iam shaere how to get free mb on any sim.
Yes friend it realiy possible.It is possible with a apps. Apps neme is Dent.You free mb on apps. At frist you download this app from my invit link
App daownload link:https://dent.app.link/pc9S71t0qN
Secndly you open this application
click register
And it want a mobile numbar
you give a mobile numbar.And click arro aicone
you get a code by sms
its automatic gettin hear.
You get a page there are you show GOOGLE,FACEBOOK AND MANUILY click munoliy and give your frist name laste name,and Email.Click arrow aicon and you get 50 dent.You buy mb for dent dent
I am get many MB from this app.I am suggest you it for free MB.When you us it you are clear every thing.
Thanks For your Post, This vary helpful Post
Thanks for your valuable comment,And most wellcome.
awesome post. such a very useful article..upvote and follow done