If you are waiting for the gov't to come save you, you are gonna wait for a long time.
If you can't defend your own freedom, you may not have any coming.
Not everybody is ready to live free.
LR does a good job at a near miss, but many years ago I tried to get him to read the history of the anarchist movement, he didn't want to hear it.
He knew best, he didn't need any explanations.
This book excerpt details where marx stole the movement with the financial help of the banksters.https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/franz-mehring-the-bakunin-marx-split-in-the-1st-international
This book lays out the basis for anarcho-communism.
The communism that marx sold out to the banksters for some silver, not the one he created for them to hide the exit from crapitalism.https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/petr-kropotkin-anarchist-communism-its-basis-and-principles
This lady knows her definitions.
She was on the scene and got deported from the land of the free for speaking her truth.https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/emma-goldman-there-is-no-communism-in-russia
This is a working man's interpretation of Kropotkin's works.
It is a much easier read.https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/alexander-berkman-what-is-communist-anarchism
This one takes a second to load to the bookmark, it explains why anarchists are not, never were, and never will be crapitalusts.https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/the-anarchist-faq-editorial-collective-an-anarchist-faq-full#text-amuse-label-secf0
Larken has managed to gather an audience and has kudos coming, but he is much more of an agorist.
His behavior makes me suspect he shares historical space with Chomsky.
This thinking makes me avoid him.
I don't need the irritation, either.
Thank you friend, just gave a quick look to the writings, good reads, I’ll fully study them with time.
Some time ago I read the teachings of Jaque Fresco from the Venus project and his Resource based economy, in which he said all resources of planet Earth should be common property of all humanity, but some people should have to manage those resources and inform the rest… or something like that. I don’t see that happening without a very long transitional period after which individuals voluntarily give their property to humanity. Maybe we also need a period to learn how to avoid significant aggressions from thugs before completely escaping or confronting them.
I agree that anarchism is to not initiate aggression on others’ rights or liberties, and that almost equally important is not to let others initiate aggression on yours’, because if you let them, they’ll keep doing it, as they are.
I think the bad anarcho-capitalists are really moral relativists, that knowingly accumulate more than what they objectively deserve and thus take a part of the fruit of the labor from the true workers, they are false anarchists.
And I think that true capitalism is merely to agree with the idea that individuals have the right to own property. And you can do with your property whatever you want, even destroy it, or give it away, as long as you don’t violate others’ rights, liberties or property. Just as with your own money and time you can please the thugs if you want, or you can choose to give away your money when being robbed to avoid a greater harm. Although that actually makes you less of an absolute anarchist of course, but it doesn’t make you a complete slave either. It just makes you a victim.
Imo we need a transitional period to get to total and true anarcho-communism as Jaque Fresco dreamed, and that period is true anarcho-capitalism and smartly avoinding significant aggressions from the thugs (false capitalists, false communists, false anarchists, and their followers). Because if the true anarchists don't fight smart, nobody will get us there.
Jacques was interviewed and said that he was a Kropotkin fan, many of his ideas are straight out of The Conquest of Bread and Mutual Aid.
Crapitalism is a lie like most of the rest of things that folks have been led to believe.
This book lines it out.
I keep asking people to dispute the math in chapter 9, I haven't gotten any takers.
It was published in 1908 but I had never heard of it until I came across it in a small,
very exclusive library.
1984 and Brave New World are pushed on the kids because they predict the programming, but you don't get Looking Backwards nor The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross outside some select universities.
The flashylight boxes will never advertise them.