I was looking at my hours for the other week and noticed a couple of days that i worked around 8.5 hrs and got paid for 8 hrs!!!
Look at 8/23/17 i clocked in at 6:34am till 2:54 pm thats 8 hrs and 20 minutes and i got paid for 8 hrs.
Here it is again on 8/29 i worked from 6:36am till 3:03 thats 8 hrs and 27 minutes and i got paid for 8hrs.
so being curious i figured it out for the two weeks.
I got paid for 67.25 hrs and it should have been 68.73
A Difference of almost a hour and a half not getting paid for!!!
I know its not that many hours for 2 weeks times but ive been working for the company for over a years time.... so how far back has it gone on and to how many people!!!
I let all of my co-workers know what had happen! sure enough its been happening to them too!!!
I See a call to human resources coming and maybe even a call to the labor board!
So make sure you guys check your hours and make sure something like this isnt happening to you guys also!
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I dont understand... I am confuse
that's how they get ya
I used to work weekends in a gas station in high school. We were required to show up half and hour before our shift to get things ready, and then spend about fifteen minutes or more after the shift to finish off things. We only got paid for the hours the shift lasted, which ment we worked for free quite a lot of time each month. When we brought this issue up with the employer, they started threatening us with all sorts of things,which scared most of the employees to silence, and we never got to resolve the problem.
thats to bad that the employees were threatened. im sorry that things never got resolved.
Just had an hour taken off my paycheck at work also. They added it on my last check after I brought it to her attention tho. Just heard someone say payroll theft is the most common form of theft worldwide.
People work to hard for their money and companies still trying to cheat them, what a shame! Im glad you got it added to you on your last check. Maybe people will be aware of this in the future... I know i will! thanks for sharing!
did adding it to another check, change the status of that hour as overtime-pay? in CA anything over 40hrs is overtime, holidays time and half (if double time then that and half of regular pay for the holidays).
Unfortunately no it didn't. Where I work they are allowed to make you work 44 hours before they start paying overtime :(
Seems like you should ask for that 1.5 hours pay and potentially all the added up time for the past year
Indeed @ralph-rennoldson.. It is indefectible...
I am so trust worthy of a person, but when it comes to checking my hours im usually pretty good. I should have relized something sooner, and am kind of upset at myself for not catching it sonner! @djmalith thanks for being an awesome follower-hope you have a great day!
that is time and a half overtime @ralph-rennoldson sir. they are cheating you.
You may also want to check the contract. When I was still working for the Dutch companies of an American mother company, quite a few American colleagues complained that their hours would be rounded on a day-to-day basis. So everything less than half an hour was rounded down, which was the most common case. Because the company would also round up if it was over half an hour, legally they were in the clear.
The supervisors however had strict instructions to make sure it never (or hardly ever) happened that they had to round up.
Upvoted, saw that added 1 cent, hope this takes some of the pain away ;-)
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thanks i love upvotes
You should check what your state laws are. I used to work in a state where they could (and did) round down to the nearest 15 minutes. Quite likely that what they are doing is legal (although it may not be ethical) where you are and it is up to you to make sure you don't work for free.
just fyi, I work up to 16 hrs a day, 6 days a week and I get paid the same no matter what
My work day (morning shift) starts at 5.45 AM and should end at 1:45 PM. One half an hour is break for a lunch (this time is not paid). But I am expected to stay till 2 PM. So i rather stay till 2:15 PM and have 30 minutes of paid overtime. If I come at 5:20AM and leave at 2:10 PM I will be paid only for 7.5 hours that day. But I know the rules and I can adapt to them. I wish you not be cheated by your employer.
@ralph-rennoldson you are great.
I understand.
How about this one?
Several years ago I did some nice over-time and was pretty excited to it it on my paycheck, but when the paycheck arrived, to my horror, disappointment and amazement the government had eaten up most of it in taxes and the amount I actually received was fairly insignificant...
Thanks for sharing! :-)
Doccument it well, file an anonymous claim with the employment department or with your HR. States have high penalties for employers who skimp on mandatory minimum wage/overtime payments. Know your rights and get your money, YOU DESERVE EVERY PENNY or fraction of a SBD
We are living the "rat race" for a long time friend!!!