#8.5 - Free Speech vs. E.U. a 1-0 win (for now)

in #freespeech6 years ago (edited)

We won the first battle - NOW we have to win the war!

If you have read any of my last four posts, you will know I have been extremely focused on the most recent EU referendum on the new Copyright Directives, and if you didn't know, the initial vote has now been conducted, and thankfully it was an initial "NO" vote to the current wording, by 318 no votes, out of the collective 751 MPs, who were eligible to vote.*

So even though we have the initial wording rejected at this point in time, it is only by a slight margin, and this only means that now, the wording of the referendum has to be revised, to the point where it no longer meets the public objections, but could very well still be intrusive and infringing to your rights of privacy and/or free speech.

This is still a time to stay vigilant, stand our grounds, and keep making our voices heard.



The European Parliament will soon withdraw for the summer holiday - which will lull us into a false sense of ease until late August when they reconvene after a much needed, almost 2 month long holiday - because... who wouldn't!?

And at that point, they will begin reviewing and revising the wording of the referendum, and put it up for second vote, where they will most likely get it through, with the revised wording.

So we need to keep letting our voices be heard, letting our local influencers and representatives know, exactly what we expect from them, once they get back from their much needed high paid holidays!

MP's may holiday, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be subjected to our voices and opinions, in the meantime!

And let's be honest - isn't the thought of a MP returning from holiday, to an inbox flooded with constituent e-mails, kind of tickle your 9-5 workbone a little, if nothing else?

DO NOT end up getting complacent on this issue - which I can't help to think, is conveniently easy with such a long break, before looking the issues become relevant again, but that's a whole other rabbit hole... 

So please visit this website, to find out where and how you can make your voice heard - and let it be heard, loud and clear.


And now I will step down, and stop screaming from the mountain top about this issue - for a while - I promise... 

Sort of...

Because this is a brilliant example, of why crypto currency and DLT / blockchain technology, is as important as ever.

And not just in money, but also in Social Media, as is evident from this whole situation. 

We need to fight the fight for ourselves - because (as it has been the case a long time IMHO) it does not seem, that the people in charge of our established systems, have our backs at all.

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#8.5 - Free Speech vs. E.U. a 1-0 win (for now)

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