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RE: Protecting Free Speech on Steem

in #freespeech6 years ago

There is no reason whatsoever to "debate" something accepted by science like Vaccines or the earth being round. It's a waste of time, flagging quickly shows your feelings and you don't have to waste time debating with retards. The same goes for racism, I'm not going to debate your opinion, just flag it.


You completely either misunderstand or misrepresent science. Nothing is accepted by science. Science is nothing but the process of disproving things. All competent scientists recognize that we do not completely grasp reality, and only disproving things can improve that understanding. Any scientist that claims the science is settled is NOT A SCIENTIST at all, but a shill.

Like you.

It's not the time to debate you lack, it's the intellectual capacity. Know the difference, as it will enable you to better budget your attention to matters you do grasp, and prevent you wasting time and treasure on matters beyond you, as you do here. There must be something you are able to understand. Spend your time on that and produce useful results instead. No one will benefit more than you.

@valued-customer You aren't a scientist.

What does it take?

Hopefully the defining factor is not employment.

If to 'do science' is simply to execute the scientific method then one can be said to be a scientist (a practitioner of science) only if and when one is executing it. That doesn't need any credentials or career, and through this strict lens the scientist by profession only earns their title during practice.

I personally take a more broad definition of scientist than this that can include people not currently 'doing science' and also laypeople.

theres also no reason to be such a stupid fuck such as yourself either marky beanie and all your other split personalities
what a bloody joke you are
your not even entertainment to me anymore just a slimy dirty scumbag infected cocksucker

You have been flagged. Your post is still 100% visible on the Steem blockchain. Stop whining, you are not entitled to anything.

how many more of these accounts do you have jerkoff
seems like the bots are your only friends
marky your a disgrace to the planet and take your split personalities and get yourself a infected dick and help us all out by dying will ya
ok little micro buddy can you do that cause you cant seem to get me to minus ten nevermind minus a 100

why dont you leave the good people alone and concentrate more on me since i dont give a shit about garbage such as yourself and i deserve more than the rest ok jerkoff
what do you say
oh yeah you cant make a deal with a fucking retard sorry disregard retard
ok flag flag flag now thats about all you can do oh yeah and suck infected dick kudos to ya

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