Some old writing on a rock , predicting the future ?

in #freespeech4 years ago

A bit bored i watched some history channel and other info vid's on ytube in the alien conspiracy section . It's fun and entertaining some times . to have some laugh's .


Yeah lol , they know how to bring a story .
Still it's a subject with a weak base and hanging together with a lot of assuming and fiction . Not that any of it can't be true , because all that we assume or make up could just as well be true . We just don't know for sure , so we guess . And while guessing what the old and long gone civilization's painted or wrote on there wall's we come up with fun story's and possibly some solution's to the problem's we face today .

An other fine example for why you should not put conspiracy thinking in a bad light . From all that comedy some great invention's or insight's came to light . Assuming many thing's , is what got us here , true or false , wrong or wright . Alien's might have created us , or might not , the story count's , makes one think , makes one question .
It's how we evolve thing's , looking at our past finding answers for our future . Even when we get it wrong and make up false story's . ;-)


Enki looks a bit worried , the cross is fading and we are almost at the third red ball on the base line . What ever that mean's . The Hopi claim they know , do they ? I do not know , i just think they uphold some very entertaining view's on it all with some amazing similarity's to today's world and future . Somewhere it fit's the narrative ,.. almost perfect .

Yeah i admit , it's not the original Hopi rock art in the picture , i recreated it and might have added some feeling's in doing so . Like colors and Enki's little handbag . Can't name the figure hovering there , forgot it completely already . A comment might answer this , or not , it is of little importance ,... even think that it was an .... alien .

Pictures : , second is a original artwork by me .

Have a nice day all , peace to all .


Fascinating read..

the aliens are coming!!

but whatever they say: just don't believe them

those idiots are landing on a pirate island

Fake or real alien's , they won't come to care for us , they just see a possible cheap working-force ,... to extract what they need from the Earth . It's what i get from all story's about the human race created by alien's .
If all shit is fractal , then out there in space , it's just the same shit going on as on Earth ,... survival true rule by force over resources .
Changes are , they might be technological superior but spiritual and intellectual really really stupid . ;-)