"minorities were blamed and dehumanized in public eyes."
Not in the text of the speech you read, but in the words of the leaders of the murderous Bolshevists that so degraded Weimar Germany, starved tens of millions to death in the Ukraine but a few years before Hitler spoke before the Reichstag, and went on to slaughter tens of millions more across the world in later decades, facts indelibly ground into the memories and lives of the German people of the day.
The defeat of the German people struggling to oppose this bloodthirstly juggernaut is what has perpetuated that barbaric slaughter, which continues today across the ME, and which Europe is being prepped for presently, by forcibly inflicting on it's peoples hordes of folks from cultures and nations that have suffered exactly such deprivation and destruction at the sole option of those nations, and who cannot assimilate, but who intend to conquer instead.
Your failure to grasp real history conceals from you those forces and machinations that threaten your life, and the lives of your people, existentially today. Ask yourself what truth needs to be protected from inquiry by imposing prison sentences on anyone that doubts it? Why are the German, British, and European peoples first disarmed, and then jailed for speaking their minds?
Your instincts tell you that each of us interprets reality per the view and experience we have of it, and should be able to state that view freely, yet your indoctrination and the incessant propaganda that has pounded your mind since birth has forced you to support unimpeachable overlords dependent on a cowed populace unable to consider their crimes and oppose them.
Reading actual history, and not the propaganda spewed by the mouthpieces of your enemies, will enable you to realize that speech has no value unless it is free, and cannot harm you no matter how hateful the speaker or their words. A moment is all it takes to realize that the more rabid and maniacal the speech, the less convincing it is. It is not hate speech that enabled Germany to rise from the ashes they were sentenced to by the Versaille Treaty to become in less than a decade perhaps the most powerful nation of the day, but the truth about their enemies, and what to do about it.
Organizations in Germany and across Europe had made every effort to destroy Germany, intended to exterminate them, and demonstrated a very real ability to do so were they not successfully opposed, and those organizations were controlled by nominally ethnic Jews. In the speech I posted Hitler points out that it was a very small percentage of Jews that did this, and this reveals that he did not believe the race, the religion, or the ethnic group to be the cause itself, but that Judaism was being used to conceal a predatory institution intent on the destruction of Germany, and indeed, a true record exists of exactly that being done. Your enemies have provided your indoctrination.
May g-d bless you and keep you.