Of course, I read "Brothers Karamazov. " )))
Feminism is a complex issue. I don't think anybody nowadays is against equality in voting, quality in the job market, quality of pay, or equality in any other avenues of life. I am all for it, but I am by no means is a feminist.
I hear many feminists of the third wave talking about pay still being unequal, despite this being unlawful. I think this is a silly argument for if women would be paid less for the same work no business would ever hire a man. )))
So, I am not a proponent of "equity" measures like what Canadian prime minister Trudo did, putting 50% women in his cabinet.
For all I care, it could be 100% women, as long as they are put there by merit.
Thus, I don't support equity measures, that intend to somehow give back modern women for the historical injustice dealt with their grandmothers. This is a silly measure and, most importantly, the one that won't make women happier.
As for women trapped in bad marriages, I'd rather speak about people trapped in bad marriages, because a poor marriage is a two-way streak. If something could be done about it, it certainly would not be done by measures of government intervention. )))
Similarly, I think the step by step permission asking during the sexual engagement (can I touch your hair? can I kiss your hand? and so on) is better suited for SNL than for real life and is damaging for relationship.
I think feminism, in its current incarnation, will eventually lead to a complete disengagement between men and women, to artificial insemination, sex dolls, and psychologically damaged children.