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RE: "Crew of the mighty Frigate Silverton" – 11OC24 - 'Nauru Island to the Solomon Islands Sail Race!'

in #freewriters3 days ago

Greetings Keptin,

Indeed Sair....I have only the highest regard for the Commander and will continue to pray for her and her sister.

Her being away has changed the dynamics of the Frigate Sair...therefore Bleujay is thinking to take a temporary leave from the Frigate at least until the Commander returns.

Dare I was with the threatening posture of ...'he who would be King' that Able Seaman Bleujay had to rethink where this all was going. Run the worst case senario and it is not a pleasant situ to be sure. Not only that but that the competitive nature of the race was outwardly forsaken by an officer....preposterous notion!. All that said...perhaps it is best to take a break.

I will probably come back and delete some of this as I am want to do from time to time. ^__^

Cheers, Able Seaman Bleujay


"Nae needs tae delete. But Ahh'm nae sure whaur th' problem lies exactly? As th' Commander's voice grew mair scarce due tae 'er personal sorrows, yoo're enthusiastic appearance on th' Silverton happened. The tois events ur nae related. Dae as ye needs tae dae..." 😉 -Keptin

Greetings Sair....if Able Seaman Bleujay may speak plainly....It is about the balance of power....the sharks smell blood in the this case one shark....who has become more so...And that particular shark is not leadership material in my opinion. Perhaps my assessment of the situ is incorrect but what if Able Seaman Bleujay is correct. The picture looks bleak without a person of Integrity as Commander. Our current Commander has regard for the Frigate Silverton....another seems to have regard only for themselves. 'Pirates versus Servants of the Crown.'

Kindest Regards,

Able Seaman Bleujay

"A keen observation. But if it's th' Lieutenant yoo're 'spikin o', Ahh wooldnae fash yerse. Uir braw Commander has a lang leid o' credits oan heem. Ahh doobt he woods bide oan-board lang enaw tae ever overtake 'er!" 😉 -Keptin

Lovely Sair, Thank you for your kind reassurance. Most Obliged, Able Seaman Bleujay

"Yer loyalty an' concern fur th' mighty Frigate Silverton is much appreciated! Eight years at brine tae date!" 😉 -Keptin


That's amazing Sair,

How very smart she looks...quite smart.

Lovely to have a position on the Frigate Silverton....Thank you.

Appreciate your kind words, Keptin.
