Tu derrota
tu derrota a pesar de los hábiles intentos,
ya no hay nada que detenga mi paso,
Ya no hay mas lamentos en mis tormentos.
desgarrando cada hebra,
y yo como mujer buena..
Volvía a coser...
Preferiste tenerme como un ave enjaulado para no alcanzar el cielo..
Creiste tenerme siempre comiendo de la palma de tus manos,
Y hoy se acaban tus sueños.
Creeme que no deseo sentenciarte,
Te diste cuenta muy tarde que en verdad fui alguien...
Y hoy la vida se encargará de darte tu parte...
De aquello que no merecí de ti...
Porque gane mi libertad...
Y con mi partida
tu derrota acaba de empezar.
Your defeat
your defeat despite skillful attempts,
there is nothing stopping me anymore
There are no more regrets in my torments.
ripping every strand,
and I as a good woman ..
I was sewing again ...
You preferred to have me as a caged bird so as not to reach the sky ..
You thought you always had me eating from the palm of your hands,
And today your dreams are over.
Believe me I don't want to sentence you
You realized very late that I really was someone ...
And today life will take care of giving you your part ...
Of what I did not deserve from you ...
Because I gained my freedom ...
And with my departure
your defeat has just begun.
Si deseas participar en este reto visita el siguiente enlace donde estan las bases del concurso/If you want to participate in this challenge, visit the following link where are the bases of the contest.
Invito a participar a mis amigas/I invite my friends to participate @mariale07 y @yajaira