Shadows of Power: The Invisible Chains of Blood and Rebellion

in #freewriters10 months ago (edited)

The Mongolian was victorious, and his victory couldn’t taste sweeter. He stood over his slumped opponent, the cyborg couldn’t stand tall any longer. In a short period, Bold went from losing handily to Cyborgs to dismantling the strongest they have to offer. His power vastly increased from his curse and training, to where he almost had no equal. He took his Submission Title from the referee, as well as his newly obtained Title, and held them high above his head. Two belts, from two contenders, both two of the strongest that UoW had to offer, and the rare occurrence of a double champion in the history of the federation.

Khan returned to his new resting place, deep within the Yakuza’s HQ. They had repositioned his coffin here to make it easier to keep tabs. They even provided him his own room with the furnishings of a small Tokyo apartment. It was a little minimalistic, with a small table, a small couch, his coffin where a bed would be, and a television on the wall. A single refrigerator and oven with a stovetop for heating up blood bags were the only things kitchen-wise. The fridge was stocked full of different bags of various human blood, but no Yokai blood inside.

The smell of the fish that permeated the air was very nostalgic to Bold regarding his childhood. They did have their lakes growing up, however the fish were of a different species entirely, but that smell was inescapable. The Yakuza had provided more than what was advised, and it made the Mongolian somewhat uncomfortable, what was their end goal? His word was his contract though, and he was bound to it, forced to aid them in their endeavors as they had aided him in his. Until a time came when the other failed to supply their end of the contract, this would keep up, a contract of blood for blood.

Bold sat on a sofa in a dark room, reminiscing about his victories and his trials earlier in his career. A sudden wave of pain and fatigue coursed through his body, bringing his attention directly to the immediate moment. He felt his body become more sluggish and slower, his body aching like never before. He stood up to try and get his bearings, but immediately collapsed back into the sofa, unable to move. His eyes were the only things that could function.

After a few minutes, the door opened and Hina Kobayashi and Rina Hashimoto stepped inside. Their voices were muted like Khan was submerged underwater, unable to move or even to turn and face his employers.

Rina Hashimoto: Interesting, the full cycle of the Yokai blood in action. Considering that Chuluun here is already dead, I believe he will ignore the potential death side effect of his dose. But with this high dose, after the immense surge of power and energy, the body needs to recoup, and due to this, the lungs of a living host stop working as well, resulting in respiratory failure. Think of it like a candle under a flamethrower, there is nothing left to give. Fortunately, your blood curse allows you to withstand this failure to no lasting damage. Very fortunate for us.

Hina Kobayashi: At least we have a successful test through its entirety now. Soon, with enough data, we may potentially be able to synthesize this, and expand production.

Hina Kobayashi pulled out a large syringe with a monstrous needle on it, tapping the needle a few times before, lifting Bold’s shirt to expose his abdomen and rolling him to his side. He jabbed the needle into Bold’s back. The vampire didn’t feel a thing, completely numb and sedated from the fatigue, struggling to even comprehend what was happening, his brain also slowing down from the state of exhaustion. After a few moments, Hina pulled the syringe from the Mongolian’s body, replacing his shirt, and revealing a somewhat glowing vial of black viscous blood.

Hina Kobayashi: This is worth more than gold, or even straight Yokai blood. If our scientists could figure out a way to gather the antibodies and figure out how you metabolized this, we could make billions if not trillions with this wonder drug.

The Yakuza member looked at Khan directly into his lifeless eyes, a smile at the edge of his mouth, eying his subject down.

Hina Kobayashi: Thank you for your help Chuluun, you have been instrumental. Unfortunately, this doesn’t relieve you of your duty to us, this was just a bonus for us for you winning the championship. Besides, with our other tests on the Yokai blood, you will remain in this state until your next feeding.

Rina pipped in, taking the vial from Hina to take to their scientists on standby.

Rina Hashimoto: Think of it sort of like a powered-down cyborg, no electricity or battery left, just waiting for the next source of energy. You can be brought back to working function with another source of energy, but it is a timed deal. That means when your time is up, you go comatose again. This was a part of our deal Bold. How do you think we employ so many Yokai in the first place? We have access to every single written piece of literature, document, lore, and likewise of every single mythical being out there. Do you think because the Tepes blood curse never touched the Land of the Rising Sun before that we didn’t know about it? We weren’t sure if you would survive or not, but through some digging, unfortunately, bad blood isn’t something that can slay a vampire.

Rina frowned for a second, before cracking another smile.

Rina Hashimoto: You should have read that contract a little bit better Bold. You will offer a lot more to our family than you realize.

A smiling Hina repositioned Bold to sit upright on the couch, forced to stare at the television on the wall in front of him.

Hina Kobayashi: On the TV in front of you, you will get to watch our scientists synthesize your blood, as well as test it on subjects. You will witness the dawn of a new era, and you are to be thanked for that. Rest well Bold, we will have more work for you soon enough.

Bold's mind was a haze, trapped within his numbed body. He could hear the Yakuza members' voices, their words slipping through his consciousness like distant echoes. The realization of his predicament began to sink in, a mix of horror and resignation flooding his senses.

As the television flickered to life, displaying the sterile surroundings of a laboratory, Bold's eyes remained fixated, his mind grasping onto the semblance of activity before him. It was a surreal experience, watching his own blood being extracted and manipulated, knowing that his very essence was being exploited for profit and power. His thoughts drifted to his past victories, the glory of the ring now tainted by the grim reality of his captivity. The titles he held meant nothing in this moment of helplessness, overshadowed by the chains of his servitude to the Yakuza.

Hours passed like fleeting moments as Bold sat immobile, a silent witness to the machinations of those who held him captive. The fatigue weighed heavily upon him, each breath a struggle as his body fought against the after-effects of the Yokai blood coursing through his veins.

Amidst the monotony, a flicker of defiance ignited within him, a small ember amidst the darkness. Though his body remained still, his spirit stirred with a newfound resolve. Gathering his inner strength, Bold focused his mind. With each passing moment, his determination grew, fueled by the burning desire for liberation. As the laboratory continued its work, unaware of the brewing storm within Bold's soul, a glimmer of hope pierced through the darkness, a beacon of light amidst the shadows of his captivity.

The tests went on for hours, but the testing didn’t yield results yet, resulting in screaming and distorted bodies in the laboratory, before they crumpled into a fine ashy dust from the overload of cursed blood. Bold was helping remove the scum from the world, but not by choice, and at what cost? Eventually, the scientists concluded the day’s work and the television was shut off remotely.

The door to the backroom opened up, the grunt of a large figure squeezing through the door before sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the paralyzed Mongolian. If his face could show any emotion, it would be one of shock. The figure sitting before him was the Kappa Daemon he fought in the underground sumo tournament earlier in the month. The figure sat and stared at Khan’s paralyzed body for a few moments, before speaking. Their voice pattern was slow and methodical, revealing a lot of wisdom for a creature so feared.

Kappa: Another great warrior enslaved by the invisible chains of our oppressors. The shackles dig deep into our flesh, forcing us to play their game, sacrificial pawns to those weaker than us but with the right tools. Your conquest has led you here, victorious in the ring again and again with titles in hand, but a crushing defeat for your honor.

The Kappa stretched a bit, popping some joints in his back against his shell, and his arms that resembled tree trunks instead of limbs.

Kappa: Our battle was real, and you proved yourself a formidable foe. I hate to see such a prideful warrior brought so low. They have you addicted to Momoroka’s blood, and submissive to their goals. Reacting now against the height of their might would lead to you perishing against their weapons. They know how to counter those who oppose them or try to break their chains.

The Kappa lifted his right arm, revealing a massive burn that was left untreated, the typically green flesh now a brownish-blackish char on the creature’s body.

Kappa: They sent me to fetch you and bring you back to your senses, but I have an offer for you. Work for them, please them, offer your services and bite your tongue with your servitude. Make them trust you, make them think you are not a threat. You can help break the chains of this oppression. I know you will be able to break us free, not just yourself. We can free all the Yokai under their service, locked away for their gain, slavery of our unique kind. I will revitalize you. Do not struggle, and do not fight your captors. You will know when the time is right. Shi-no-rei has seen when we can break free. You will meet them in good time.

The Yokai rose from their sitting position, taking one of their massive claws and slicing their forearm, bleeding from the wound. They placed it near the paralyzed vampire’s lips, allowing them to intake it, ingesting it.

Kappa: My blood is not Momoroka’s blood. This will bring you back from exhaustion, but not strong enough to fight. The boss wishes to speak with you about the next plans.

The Daemon picked up the still recovering vampire in a fireman's carry and carried him out of the room. If Khan was in any other state, this would have been humiliating, but as it was, he was too weak to care. Through corridors of the labyrinth-like facility, they came to their destination. The Kappa Daemon placed the Mongolian down on a chair carefully, before leaving the room.

The figure across the desk was the yakuza leader himself, Etsuji Yamamoto. He wore a sharp suit and was flanked by two of his loyal bodyguards.

Etsuji Yamamoto: Bold, I know your warrior spirit cannot stand how our relationship is playing out, and I don’t blame you. However, with your appearance and abilities, you are allowed certain freedoms that we cannot allow the common day Yokai under our command. If the world knew of them, society would crumble, and these beasts would be allowed to roam freely, killing indiscriminately. Despite this, we don’t harm civilians without reason. We like to keep those that can harm the world under our thumb, which does allow us some power overall. If someone tries to harm us, we can make them suffer. This is the reason for this meeting.

Etsuji leaned forward on the desk, showing the card for Clash, showing that the Submission Title was up for grabs, and his opponent was Takuma Sato.

Etsuji Yamamoto: Bold, you have an opportunity to show your loyalty to us, and you will be rewarded as such. Sato has been a thorn in my side and is spouting lies towards me and my organization. My honor will not allow this injustice to stand without repercussions. So far, he has avoided the other messages I have sent his way, and he continues to spout falsehoods. This is where you come into play Bold.

Etsuji opened the desk drawer and slid across a small, but still warm bag of shiny effervescent blood to the other side of the desk.

Etsuji Yamamoto: A larger supply of ‘Y’, enough to get your fill and power. You will use this one to crush Sato. Because it is a submission match, I need to see him suffer. I want to hear the crack of his bones, I want his skull pulverized. I want you to do what you showed me you can do in the Yokai Sumo Tournament. I know you might be frustrated with your current circumstances, but the fatigue portion is to make sure you don’t retaliate against us. If you prove your loyalty, we can keep a steady flow so you don’t suffer that effect again. As long as you make Sato suffer, win or loss doesn’t matter, but do not reveal that you are working for us, we will handle that part. He won’t be spouting any more nonsense about his old man.

Bold allowed himself a small bow towards the Yakuza leader, before slowly taking the blood pouch from the desk.

Etsuji Yamamoto: We still expect great things from you Bold. Now, go get some training in with the other Yokai, they can help you prepare for your match against Sato. And if you need anything else, just let my men know, and we can make accommodations for our new secret weapon.

The enslaved Mongolian provided another bow before creakily getting out of his chair and exiting the room. His mind was racing with thoughts. So many plans are put into motion in a short period. He had to focus on his next task. He couldn’t let Sato get the upper hand. He had to appease his new work partners to avoid collapsing at any given moment. Bold cursed at himself in Mongolian. He had let himself become trapped in this game, unable to escape due to his desire for power, and because of that, he was now a tool to be used at the whim of his masters. He gave a small smile, thinking about his conversation with the Kappa Daemon earlier.

The one major difference between him and a normal tool is that this tool has sharp fangs.