In Yen's forearm you can notice a piece of furniture, it is his cellular communication system innovated by Neutron.
As he finishes his speech to reach a consensus and make the best decision on how to attack Neutron companies, Yen walks away to read the encrypted message. It is a computer in the production system that sends him the message which says: The truth is a game of the wisest, find the answer in the central 2b at 2:00 AM
The computer appointment is 3 hours away, the meeting is over and a general strike begins.
Yen remains confused because it is not clear why he has had repeated dreams about his boss, and he does not understand the message of the processor in charge of the food pill packaging platform.
As Yen travels in a capsule back home to get some things and rest a bit, he realizes that something is moving in his jacket, the nano transmitter was located thanks to a 1000 magnification magnifier that is embedded in Yen's retina.
- The transmitter was destroyed. He initiated phase 3 of the location.
- Denied. Cancel search.
- I have enough information to stop the conspiracy plans.
- Canceling search.
- Memory search 10 - 2002
- Bucando
As he watches the video of his son as a child playing on a swing, tears well up in Mr. Fonne's eyes.
- Hey stop that, don't play with my socks anymore, it's time for you to grow up, you look like a puppy.
Yen goes back to his chores at home, while he fights to get his cat to leave his socks alone.
- Calling Clay
- The operator inserts advertising from Neutron companies.
The security of eating healthy and keep your body functional, we offer the best food with super essential vitamins and minerals, Neutron Companies.
On the other side of the phone..
Clay watches precisely and listens attentively to a music box with a dancer. It's the memory and heritage his mother left him. He was never able to get it back because his records do not exist at the Neutron Foundation. (phone rings)
- Come on Clay, answer!
Yen finishes her homework and remembers through a message that it's almost time to go to the computer meeting.
He takes an apple and runs to the space capsule and when he takes off he calls Clay again, this time he answers the call.
- Hey brother how's it going?
- I'm calling, where are you?
- The only place I'm at every day, my house.
- Get ready, we're going out, I need you to come with me to a place
- I'm not going out there, it's too risky.
- Don't worry, there's a general strike, they won't stop anyone in the street, I'll be there in 5 minutes.
Hang up the call and continue on a tubular road that I rent to travel faster.
On the way to the packing station Yen doesn't know why the computer wants to talk to him.
Arriving at the packing station.
Clay stays outside to watch if anyone else approaches the nearly abandoned station. The door opens and Yen walks through.
A reflection in a dark interior with a slight buzz is the first thing he sees around him
- Come on in. I've been waiting a long time to meet you, Mr. Yen.
- With me? Why do you want to talk to me? We're not even in the same work area.
- Ha ha hahaha of course, you're absolutely right, but I didn't call you to talk about work. I called you because it was programmed into my memory. To call you to meet you and talk about you.
- About me? What can I tell you? Or what do you know about me?
- I know everything about you. And I have many things to reveal.
- This must be a joke.
- Your mother was the one who programmed me and left a hidden, encrypted file that would only be activated on a specific day
- You knew my mother?
- You're the one chosen to take down Neutron Enterprises, your father's company.
- My father's.
- All these years those dreams are part of what must happen, it's programmed and nothing can be done.
- I don't understand. I'm the son of Fonne and I'm supposed to lead a rebellion to end his company and intergalactic domination?
- The transmitter you found was blocked, and the call I made was not intercepted by Fonne. No one knows you're here, not to mention your friend who looks a little scared.
Listen to this, you must go to Mt. Tortuga, there is a squad waiting for you that you must direct to command the forces that will join the resistance.
- But I don't know anything about war or command, how will I know what to do?
- You were prepared for this, in your memory is all the knowledge, it will take you two days to know how to handle a weapon until you can strategize at a military level.
Don't waste time, go now. In a few minutes they will destroy me. Thank you to come. If you had come later or not at all, control of entire galaxies would be in Neutron's hands for eternity.