The top three online-all-the-time disguises

in #freewriters3 years ago


Hey friend..

Do you know that guy/gal,

That is online all the time!?

Maybe they’re a coworker, friend, family member, or ‘follower,’

Who has their notifications on full blast so they never miss a thing..

If the answer is “yes”,

Then you need to ditch them right now before these ‘Time-Wasting Energy Vampires’ steal another interaction from you..

First though,

Let’s look at how we can spot them, the disguises they take on, and how to unmask them to see their true nature..

Oh boy,

It starting to feel like a virtual ghost-hunting mission..

So without further ado..

Here are the Top Three Online All The Time Disguises:

The Chat Room King/Queen

It should stand to reason that,

Someone who ‘lives in the chat’ and has no other responsibilities than responding in real-time to cheesy GIFs is not that important..

Looking at this from the outset however,

Their ‘Open 24/7 Availability’ should lead to increased dialogue though in actuality it has the opposite effect..

This is because qualified prospects, ‘movers-and-shakers’, and even just interesting people want to communicate with others who are high status,

And will almost certainly disengage with an ‘anything-you-need’ type..

So when unmasking ‘The Chat Room King/Queen’,

We find that they are merely low status individuals who get their self-value out of being ‘up-to-date’ on matters more boring than watching a five-year-old playing with puzzles..

The Busy Bees

In hindsight,

Seeing someone with a blinking green light and ‘online’ status should mean that they are busy getting A LOT of work done..

Yet again,

The reverse is true..

Since ‘Busy Bees’ are always doing all kinds of stuff,

They are in effect multi-tasking which top researchers have agreed is a sign of low intelligence..

This lack of ability to properly concentrate on one thing at a time,

Also means that they ARE NOT focusing on the things that ‘push the dial’ forward in life..

Those things that do help you progress by the way,

Are your behind-the-scenes ‘kai-zen’ practices which let you get a little bit better every day..

When we unmask ‘The Busy Bee’ we see that they are really unproductive folks whose livelihood relies on them doing everything at once,

And therefore being online all the time..

Google Genius


Someone with an internet connection, computer and/or smartphone has all the information..

But do they actually know any of it?

Upon first glance,

It should make sense that more info and data would make a smarter person..
Though if we really inspect the truth,

It has created a population highly-dependent on the search engine, apps, and social media for even the most basic of needs.

The list here includes,

Everything from sourcing food, getting directions, to finding a mate..

Dear friend,

I’m sure you’re a bit like me and have done at least some of these things yourself without the guidance of google..

So when we unmask what’s really behind ‘The Google Genius,’

We can conclude that they have a lack of skills, real-life experience, and original knowledge..


With all those masks we’ve taken off,

We can now officially ditch those low status, unproductive, skill-less people that are online all the time!

If you get any trouble from this my friend,

Feel free to blame it on me..

I hope this post helped shed some truth,

On what these disguises are actually like..

If you’d like to learn more about how communication on Web 3.0 is being transformed,

Then you can download a free Ebook from my website linked in the description.