Why followers will disappear on Web 3.0

in #freewriters3 years ago


Hey friend,

I want you to picture this crazy scene in your mind for a second..

You’re walking down the main street of your town casually minding your own business,

When behind you a group of people starts to form..

And it’s not two or three,

But THOUSANDS of people following your every move as you do daily things like scroll on your phone and pick out the lint from your pockets..

Wouldn’t you be totally freaked out!?

Me too..

Yet it’s exactly this same ‘following’ sequence,

That millions upon millions strive for in their ideal online experience..

Let’s put it like this..

When you broadcast unimportant events to the web like eating a boutique sandwich at a local bistro,

You are LITERALLY crying out for all types of attention, and snooping eyes to come your way..

Only this time it’s not from a HUGE mob tailing your hind on Main St,

But big billion dollar corporations tracking all your likes, network,
whereabouts, etc..

Now I know you might be wondering right now,

“Well Jacob, what could possibly go wrong with Facebook knowing what type of coffee I had this morning?”

My answer to this is,

“I don’t know, but it is still just as creepy as having a random crowd watching everything you do on Main St.”

Now don’t get me wrong,

If you’re guilty of communicating this way it’s not 100% your fault..

Web 2.0 rewards this kind of immature ‘Look at What I’m Doing Now’ behavior,

In order to keep you locked on their platforms and generating more data..

The good news however,

Is that Web 3.0 has an inherent trust layer built into it..

This means that you can focus on your own unique strengths and creativity,

While the element of trust lets you be more of you..

How brilliant!

This is all for today brave friend..

To your Web 3.0 success,

I hope this post helps shines some light,

On how crazy the current 'follower' paradigm is..

If you’d like to learn more about how Web 3.0 works,

Then you can download a free Ebook from my website linked in the description.