I am sitting here late into the night, waiting for the sun to rise. I suppose that is not an unusual thing, but what is odd is the paper I am holding. This is an unusual piece of parchment and I didn't choose it myself. It was left behind by a relative, who had a penchant for showing off her talent with these sorts of silly, mind boggling pieces of paper.
Today, though, I cannot touch it. The Ministry of Magic has made other restrictive measures against magic that have changed the way the populace thinks about our world for the future. Today is the day, finally, that the restrictions have been made official. In the past, when an institution that stood for something good was destroyed, sometimes the leader wasn't. In this case, when an institution stands for everything wrong with the world, a great force was sent to remove the leader... and me along with it.
I am here to fight back. I am here to do something more interesting than the same old, same old, every day routine. I am here to show that magic, when wielded by someone with a pure conscience and pure heart, is a glorious thing. It can bring joy to us, and I am going to prove that today. I am going to destroy the barrier, which is preventing the moon from rising. I am going to cause the moon to rise. I am going to prove that the restrictions are unnecessary and that the Ministry needs to be restored to its former self.
I never knew what my relative was called. I only knew her by the three initials that were on the top of the paper in my hand that I am awaiting. As is normal, she was very cryptic about her piece of parchment, but that was just her way. She was a strange, reclusive, person and it was quite curious to find out she left a small gift for me to open on the most important day of my life. She told me not to fight this battle alone. She didn't write down who I should take with me, but even if she had, I would refuse to be guided. That was not the point of this gift. She wanted me to understand that I should never be a loner... that I should always have a friend or two to accompany. She knew what a terrible thing the restriction would be and that is why she gave me her paper... her parchment.
I will not be alone, I am certain. I am certain that my old peers and people who have for so long stood by my side will all be here. They will arrive in time, if not before me. It is a long walk from the orphanage where I live to the Ministry, but I know my friends will arrive in the end. They all want to see the end of this. They want to see the end of the darkness. They want to see the moon rise.
It is hard not to feel so nervous now. I need to stop fidgeting, but that is the thing about nerves. It is easy to distract yourself, but sometimes it is hard to focus. I suppose that is the way it has to be. It is because sometimes, the nerves get the better of you. Some people have such a reaction to nerves that they can't focus on anything else. I have never been that way, but I can understand. It can be hard to concentrate when you are nervous.
No matter. Soon, I will sleep.
It is time. I am going to do this.
Once, this very place was a home to a great cat. We had birds and rabbits, too, but we began to eat those, too. It was a normal home, with a wonderful view. For a while, the only person here was me. My name is Sienna. I was born here. That was over five years ago now, although to me it feels as if it was longer. I am tall, with blond hair and blue eyes. I have kept my looks and my home well-preserved. The world did not have time to destroy our way of life. We hardly visited anyone. Although we had some friends, most of our time was spent alone.
I was an outsider in human society. I was an outsider all my life, though. I have never known what it was like to have so many friends. I have never known what it was like to be a part of a family. That is all about to change, though.
The Ministry of Magic has declared a period of protection. It is a period of awakening. It is a period of returning the reality of magic back to those who are only introduced it to those without courage or those without the knowledge which is not offered to those without the ability to accept it. The Ministry is a strong institution. It will protect all of those who are without. It will keep the doors locked. It will defend the world from evil and from the imagination. It will never allow the great darkness to enter our lives again.
It will not stand by and allow it to consume everything. That would be a shame, because it would take too much away from the world. It would take away the moonlight and the wind and the waves. It would take away the good things. It would take them away and replace them with the darkness... a colorless, lightless, boring world.