“Bring It” by Trapt hit the sound system as the twins were still celebrating their victory in the ring center. The Reinhardt's turned their attention to the main stage as the live feed cut to a camera zoomed out in an isometric view toward the stage that captured a large swath of the Mexican crowd. Valora Salinas stepped out from behind the curtain to a deafening roar from the fans as Johnny Rage, Dillinger, and Chuluun Bold soon followed after her.
Scott Slade: My God, Valora isn’t giving them even a moment to catch their breath after that brutal match!
Chris Rodgers: Why would she? She’s a win-at-all-cost kind of individual. Sportsmanship has never been a characteristic of hers.
Scott Slade: Well, if four on two wasn’t a big enough disadvantage, it looks as if the German twins will have to dig down deep and try to compete with a very strong and rested Salinas Gang!
Chris Rodgers: Things could not have turned out worse for the twins. Perhaps if Jeremiah’s team had fought in the first match tonight, they would have had a fighting chance against an entire rostered team.
Scott Slade:I agree, Chris. This is a tall order for any two wrestlers on the roster.
Once the Salinas gang reached ringside, Valora barked a few orders to Rage and Dillinger. The None More Black duo then walked over to the opposite sides of the ring, and each picked up a folded steel chair. Valora then climbed up the steel steps with Chuluun and took their corner before deciding Salinas herself would start the match for their team.
Scott Slade: Oh man, Valora is not messing around. Johnny and Dillinger look ready to destroy the Reinhardts if they end up on the floor.
Chris Rodgers: The twins have to stay in the ring. If they aren't careful, None More Black will send them to the hospital like they did Sato. If they end up outside, it’s over. It essentially becomes a back alley gang beat down.
The fans stomped their feet and clapped their hands as they chanted Valora’s name. The Latina stretched her legs a bit before meeting her long-time wrestling rival Kronin Reinhardt in the ring center. Kronin stared down at the fiery Latina as she stared back up at him with no fear. The two had met like this many times over the last two decades, but now they were older, grayed, grizzled, and wise to each other's tendencies. Referee Bob Sigro signaled for the bell, and the match was officially underway as the two instantly grabbed hold of one another and began exchanging rapid punches.
For her part, Kara made her way to the corner but did not step out onto the ring apron, wary of None More Black’s presence. Instead, she leaned back into the corner and tried to find her second wind as Valora ducked under a punch from Kronin and kicked him in the gut, hooking his head and trying for a tornado bulldog, but Kronin countered and tossed her across the ring.
Chris Rodgers: Wow! Back and forth from these two.
Scott Slade: These two have a long and storied past. They’ve been allies and enemies, and now there is mutual respect.
Chris Rodgers: They know each other’s moves so well!
Scott Slade: Indeed…
Kara nearly blindsided Valora, but Eric Dillinger shouted a warning, and Valora dropped down into the splits and ducked the clothesline. She then popped up and caught Kara with a kick to the gut, followed by a DDT. Valora got back up again and nodded to Dillinger, who returned the acknowledgment that he had saved her ass. Salinas was about to continue her attack on Kara when Kronin grabbed hold of her from behind and German Suplexed her halfway across the wrestling ring. The Mexican fans turned sour immediately and began booing Kronin as he got back to his feet and immediately began stomping on the Latina.
Chris Rodgers: I got to respect a brother protecting his sister like that. It makes me feel good deep inside.
Scott Slade: I don’t think Kara needs to be “protected,” but it was an excellent save from Kronin.
Chris Rodgers: Oh, come on! Just let it go! I was just trying to compliment the guy for once. Why do you have to be such a “Woke” asshole?
Scott Slade: Oh, I’m sorry. Did I make grandpa Rodgers feel insecure about his patriarchal stereotypes?
Chris Rodgers: I give up!
Kronin picked up Valora and locked her into a Cobra Clutch. The Latina squirmed and fought like crazy, and a panicked Kronin lifted her high into the air before slamming her down into the mat for Cobra Clutch Slam. Kronin then went for an optimistic cover on Valora, but she kicked out before referee Sigro even got to a count of two. Kronin got up, pulled Valora up by her grey-streaked black hair, and dragged her over to his corner before tagging in his sister Kara. He then double-arm hooked Valora, lifted her into the air and planted her on Kara's shoulders. Kara fell backward into the mat for a massive electric chair drop.
Scott Slade: Great teamwork here by the twins as they attempt to cut off the head of this monster team, the former Franchise Champion Valora Salinas.
Chris Rodgers: The only way they stand a chance of winning this match is by staying in the ring and keeping the opposing team active man cut off from their corner. They can’t allow the legal man in to make a tag.
Scott Slade: Kara, with another quick cover after that impressive Electric-Chair drop! ONE!! TWO!!! KICK OUT!!!
Chris Rodgers: God damn it!
A frustrated Kara gave referee Bob Sigro a nasty look before locking Valora into a sleeper hold. At first, it seemed Valora was going to pass out, but the chanting of her name being screamed out loud woke the fiery Latina up, and she battled back up onto her feet and began elbowing Kara in the gut repeatedly until she broke the hold. Valora then grabbed Kara by her hair and ran her forward toward her corner before bulldogging her face-first into the wrestling mat before popping up onto her feet and tagging Chuluun Bold into the match as the legal man for her team.
At seeing Bold enter, Kara took a defensive posture backpedaling frantically, but her pace slowed a bit as Bold’s menacing stare caught her and stopped her cold. For his part, Chuluun Bold seemed as surprised by this development as most of the spectators. While he inspected Kara and debated how to take advantage of this situation, Kronin made his way over to his sister and tried to get her attention back on the match. Kara, however, continued to look like a deer caught in headlights as Bold began to rub his hands together, savoring the situation.
Chris Rodgers: What in the sam blue hell?
Scott Slade: Your guess is as good as mine.
Bold geared up for a big move but was cut off by Kronin, who charged in and tried to take Bold down with a spear. Bold moved out of the way just in time, and a few moments later, a loud chair shot rang out as Dillinger cracked Kronin over the back of the head just as he bounced into the ropes. Bold, meanwhile, took the opening and nailed the seemingly entranced Kara with a massive clothesline knocking her to the mat hard.
Scott Slade: I’m not sure what the hell Kronin was thinking there? Had he speared bold, that would have been a disqualification under the special rules for tonight's match.
Chris Rodgers: I doubt he’d forgotten. He doesn’t strike me as some who forgets about rules. My guess is he’s worried about his sister, who is seemingly frozen up in the ring.
Scott Slade: Quite simply catatonic; I’ve never seen anything quite like it before.
Bold followed this up with a gut-wrench powerbomb, going into a cover. However, Kara broke free of whatever had her frozen stiff and kicked out just before the count of three. Meanwhile, Dillinger had yanked Kronin through the ropes and onto the floor, where he and Johnny Rage had begun to stomp on him ruthlessly as the fans roared chaotically as they observed the brutal beat down.
Chris Rodgers: I may not like her, but I’ll give the devil her due. Valora and her team are working well here tonight so far. If Kronin can’t get out of the mess he’s in right now, he might be alone against the four members of Valora’s gang.
Scott Slade: Yeah, Kara just managed a kick out there, but the fatigue of the two German wrestlers is catching up with them here.
Bold got up and yelled at the referee to count faster before rolling out of the ring and onto the floor, where he grabbed hold of Kronin and dragged him up. He then held the German in place for another chair shot. Dillinger cocked back the steel chair, but Kronin back kicked bold in the groin at the last second and then pulled Bold forward in front of him. Dillinger had no time to react and clobbered his teammate in the skull, dropping the Mongolian like a bad habit onto the floor.
Kronin’s reprieve was short-lived as Valora blindsided him with a missile dropkick from off the top turnbuckle. The insane high-risk maneuver caused the Mexican fans to erupt into a frenzy as Valora rolled around the floor in pain from having smacked the concrete pretty hard. The blow knocked Kronin into the steel guard railing and then up over it into fans in the front row. The hardcore Salinas fans immediately began stomping on Kronin before picking him up and tossing him back over the guard rail and onto the floor.
Chris Rodgers: Good God! Some get security out here and arrest these idiots! They're not allowed to attack the talent! I tell you, Scott, the people in this country, are nothing but heathens!
Scott Slade: You can’t make out an entire country's population to be heathens over what a group of overly passionate fans did, Chris!
Chris Rodgers: Maybe before we leave for Japan will leave your ass here since you love it so much!
Kara, back on her feet and having caught a short breather, ran to the ropes and nailed Eric Dillinger with a baseball slide. The blow knocked Dillinger onto the floor face-first into the chair he’d been holding. Kara then slid entirely out of the ring, grabbed Valora by her legs, and catapulted her into the steel ring post. Valora whacked her forehead so hard that her eyes went crosseyed as she collapsed to the floor. The fans booed Kara relentlessly and threw plastic cups of beer at her and food at her as Johnny Rage closed in on her with a steel chair in his hands.
Kara reached under the ring and pulled out a police baton she’d stashed there earlier in the morning when the crew was setting up the wrestling ring. She whipped it down aggressively, extending the baton, and then began to wield and rotate it expertly. The sight of this stopped Rage in his tracks; the veteran wrestler had been on the wrong side of a police baton too often to foolishly confront someone who knew how to use one and was trained to hurt people.
Chuluun Bold sat straight up with his eyes wide open, staring straight at Kara, who was too busy intimidating Rage. Bold stood up and grabbed Kara by her hair, but the Ex-Cop quickly spun around and hit Bold directly in the knees and again across his lower back. The combo attack caused Bold to hunch over, and Kara finished him off with a massive blow to the forehead that split the vampire wide open. Chuluun’s weird, dark, undead blood oozed from his forehead as he lay on the floor unconscious.
Chris Rodgers: “Holy Shit! That woman could teach our police a thing or two about crowd control!
Scott Slade: Of course, you would enthusiastically support excessive force.
With Kara distracted by Bold, Johnny Rage rushed in with his steel chair cocked, but Kara saw him coming out the corner of her eye and pivoted on her heel, dodging the swing. Johnny attempted to turn around bought caught a baton to the ribs for his trouble. She then cracked him over the back of the head and dropped him to the floor mercilessly as the fans cursed at her.
Chris Rodgers: She’s outnumbered 3 to 1, and 2 of her attackers had weapons! How can you call her use of force excessive?!
Scott Slade: You’re not a fan of any of that. You’re a fan of seeing fighters you don’t like getting beaten with a security baton.
With the entire Salinas gang wiped out, Kara helped her brother up, and then, together, they picked up Bold and rolled him back into the ring. Kronin got back up on the apron and went to his corner to avoid any more hardcore shenanigans. Kara slid back into the ring and attempted a quick cover on the bloodied Chuluun. The powerful Mongolian kicked out before the referee could even get to a two-count. Kronin looked on with shock written all over his face as Kara hung her head low, demoralized and exhausted.
Scott Slade: My God… what’s it going to take to pin Chuluun Bold?
Chris Rodgers: I don’t know another Wendy the Robot?
Kronin and Kara took a moment to figure out a game plan, both putting on stoic looks though they were clearly running low on gas. Kara went on the attack, only to be turned around by Valora Kara swung a strong hard right hand, but Valora batted it away. The Latina took advantage of the opening, kicked the German in the gut, and then knocked her out cold with a Vertebreaker. Valora held her injured arm and nodded at Eric, who she tagged as the legal man. Dillinger bounced off the ropes, jumped high into the air, and squashed Kara good with a body splashing before hooking her leg.
Chris Rodgers: Gringa Killa! And my God, she may have killed that brave woman!
Scott Slade: Thought you didn’t like the Germans.
Chris Rodgers: Well, I like them better than Valora and her thugs.
Scott Slade One! Two!! Three!!!
Rose Johnston: Kara Reinhardy has been eliminated from Gang Wars!!!
Kronin, seeing his twin’s final moments in the match, charged forward and nailed Dillinger with a clothesline that knocked him off his feet and onto his back. He then grabbed Valora and tossed her off the ring apron and onto the floor. Dillinger dove into his corner and made a tag to Chuulun Bold, who stepped into the ring and nailed the German suplex machine in the back with a spear. The Mongolian then picked Kronin up off the wrestling mat and lifted him high into the air before jackhammering him in the center of the ring.
Scott Slade: Jackhammer!!! Jackhammer!!! Bold with the cover!!!
Chris Rodgers: Kick out! Kronin has turned in a superhuman performance tonight! I can’t believe he had it in him to kick out of that!
Scott Slade: Yeah, but he’s outnumbered 4 to 1. I’m afraid it’s just a matter of time now.
Bold got up and then pulled Kronin up by his long dark hair, only to suffer a low blow to his groin area from the desperate German. The Mongolian dropped to his knees and vomited up some nasty-looking blood onto the mat. Kronin, fully aware it was four on one, got back to his feet and was backed into his corner by Referee Bob Sigro, who warned him that he would disqualify him from the match if he used another low blow. The tall German leaned up against his turnbuckle and surveyed the situation he found himself in.
Bold looked incredibly pissed off as he stood up, marched over to his corner, and aggressively tagged in Valora. He then high-stepped over the top ring rope and jumped off the ring apron onto the floor. Valora seemed confused but shrugged her shoulders and then stepped into the ring as the legal wrestler. The bold-headed, freakishly tall vampire stormed up the aisle way and began attacking Dr. Drake and his medical team, who had been tending to Kara since she’d been eliminated from the match.
With the medical team sprawled all over the aisle way, Bold bent over Kara and bit her neck like THNG had done to him at the last show. He then bit his wrist and dripped his dark undead blood onto her lips before smearing it all over her gums and teeth. Bold smiled sadistically, bearing his blood-soaked fangs to the Mexican fans around them. An elderly Mexican woman with her grandchildren fainted at the horrific sight as her family attempted to help her in a frantic panic. Bold then picked up Kara and began to bring her back to ringside as Kronin and Valora were fighting in the ring.
Chris Rodgers: Jesus Christ! What the hell is going on?
Scott Slade: I… have no answers. Maybe he’s hoping to distract Kronin?
Chris Rodgers: A distraction? That’s a God damn criminal offense! Kronin is going to lose his mind when he watches what just transpired!
Scott Slade: Ummm, yes. Yes, he is.
Chris Rodgers: So, umm... Are you with me when I suggest security glass around our booth, correct?
Scott Slade: Totally.
While Bold was collecting Kara, Valora and Kronin faced off in the ring with the crowd coming to their feet as the wrestlers renewed their career-long rivalry. Kronin feinted a clothesline and kicked Valora in the face as she moved to duck. Kronin smirked as he tapped the side of his head as if to indicate he felt he was still a couple of steps ahead of Valora. Rage slid in and took Kronin out from behind with a chop block to the knee, and Valora jumped up and slammed Kronin face-first into the mat with a hurrancanrana type maneuver executed while Kronin was on a knee. Referee Sergio warned rage for interfering in the match but chose not to disqualify him, much to the big German's frustration.
Chris Rodgers: Well, fans... Kronin is giving it his all, but it’s a numbers game... Every time he gets the offense going against one member, another member comes in and hits him to break up the offense.
Scott Slade: I don’t get why he doesn’t give up... Just lay down and take the loss; there’s no shame in saving yourself some punishment.
Chris Rodgers: In addition to being an athlete, Kronin is a former soldier. He can’t just give up. His pride, professionalism, and competitive spirit won’t let him…
Valora covers, and Kronin kicks out at a count of one. Valora pounded the mat in frustration.
Valora: God fuckin’ damn it! Stay the fuck down, Pendejo! Don’t make us kill you, you old fuck!”
Chris Rodgers: umm, did Valora not learn how to count? They’re about the same age.
Scott Slade: I believe Valora is a couple of years younger but yes... Pot calling kettle black and all that.
Valora looked at Kara and then looked back to Bold with confusion on her face. He smiles and indicates he has a plan. Valora sighs and shakes her head as the four-team members turn their attention to Kronin, and Valora nods...
Valora: Fuck it! Firing squad!
None More Black looked delighted to hear that from Valora as Eric climbed to the top rope. Rage picked Kronin up and brought him to the mat with an F-5-like maneuver. Eric jumped off the top rope and double foot stomped Kronin in the gut, causing the man to sit up only to get a running big boot right to the face from Bold. Valora leaped off the top rope, hitting a BME-like moonsault before hooking the German’s leg for a pinfall…
Chris Rodgers: My….God…
Scott Slade: He’s done... No human man could-
Sigro makes a fast count, looking to spare Kronin punishment but the German kicks out with a roar, pushing Valora off him.
Chris Rodgers: Holy shit!
Scott Slade: You know what, Chris... You’re right. That man… he’s just like Valora.. He just keeps finding a way to reach down and grab a little bit more…
Valora repeatedly slams her fist into the ground in frustration, cursing liberally in Spanish.
Chris Rodgers: Ah ha! Valora’s Achilles heel! Her Latin temper, and now because of it, her team is temporarily without a leader! And there it is, my boy...
Scott Slade: Do you think they need her? We all know how this match will end. The question is when it will end.
All 4 members of Valora’s team gave Kronin a begrudging nod of respect as he tried to get back to his feet and leaned against the turnbuckle. Bold calmed Valora down and shared a plan with her. She shrugged and nodded, signaling for Rage and Dillinger to drop back, which they did. Kronin looked confused by this until he noticed Bold standing there, urging Kronin to come and attack him. Kronin charged forward, only for Kara to suddenly pop up and grab Kronin’s leg, pulling it and tripping her brother. Kronin stumbled forward, Bold caught him and lifted him up for a tombstone piledriver, Eric and Rage positioned a chair on the mat, and Bold planted Kronin right on the chair. This time no chances were taken as all 4 members of the team dog-piled on Kronin. Sigro, just wanting to end the match before careers or lives were ended, drops down and counts.
Rose Johnston: Kronin is eliminated. The Salinas Gang wins the match!!!
Chris Rodgers: Mercifully, finally, this match is over.
Scott Slade: Did we see that right? Kara attacking her twin brother?
Bold gets up and smiles at Kara, waving his hand, and the woman once more drops unconscious.
Chris Rodgers: Voodoo! Dark magic! He should be disqualified for using the Devil’s witchcraft or something!
Scott Slade: Uh-huh... Good luck trying to prove that.
Chris Rodgers: Do you have a better explanation?
Scott Slade: No, but then I don’t have an explanation for a good portion of what we’ve seen here tonight.
Johnny Rage picked up Kronin off the mat as the rest of his teammates celebrated their victory while “Bring It” by Trapt played inside the Azteca Stadium. He then lifted him up into the air high above his head in a Gorilla Press and tossed him over the top rope and onto the hard concrete floor. He then motioned with his hands like he was washing up after having taken out the trash before slapping high five his tag team partner Eric Dillinger. Suddenly Valora’s music was cut off. The M.O.X Network theme began to play on the sound system as President Ultimate Wrestling Rupert Mudcock rolled out onto the stage on his shiny red rascal scooter, making his first television appearance since the attack he’d suffered at the hands of Evolution.
Chris Rodgers: Oh man! This must be the secret grand prize we were told about at the show's start!
Scott Slade: I wonder what it could be?
Chris Rodgers: Who cares? Mr. Mudcock is finally back! That’s a prize all in itself!
Valora’s team turned to the stage and waited for the M.O.X Media Mogul to roll down the ramp to the ring. Tucked under his arm, the old Trillionaire had a wooden box in his possession that he seemed to be clutching with great care. Once at ringside, he dismounted his scooter and waddled his way up the steel steps and into the ring. Rose Johnston walked over and handed her boss her bedazzled microphone and then made her way out of the ring.
Rupert: As much as it pains me to say this, Congratulations to the Salinas Gang on a well-fought survivor series tournament tonight at Ultimate Wrestling’s “Gang Wars!”
The Mexican fans who’d been booing Rupert since he’d appeared on stage let out a roar of cheers as he congratulated their hero and her roughneck team. Valora looked extremely happy watching her boss, who hated her with every fiber of his body, have to acknowledge her team's exceptional performance.
Rupert: Now, as was stated earlier, I have a special prize here to award the four of you. Since you all contributed equally to this victory, the prize that resides in this box gives the four of you the same equal opportunity and it will be up to you to decide when to capitalize on it!
Mr. Mudcock extended his right hand forward and opened the wooden box revealing four large Superbowl-sized gold rings. Each ring had a sizeable eight-carat diamond in the center and an inscription around the band that said: “fortune favors the bold” in cursive. Valora’s gang moved in around the box, smiling ear to ear at what looked like half a million dollars in Gold and Diamonds. They each reached into the box and took their prize, putting it on their ring fingers. They then posed for a photo opportunity by the ropes by extending their hands over it at a photographer from Pro Wrestling Magazine.
Rupert: Now, I’m not finished yet; you see, each one of these Gang Wars championship rings can be cashed in at any moment for a shot at the most coveted title in sports entertainment today, the Ultimate Wrestling Franchise Championship!
Chirs Rodgers: Oh my God!
Scott Slade: Now that’s what I call a grand prize!
Chris Rodgers: I knew it would be awesome, but not this awesome! Boy, Mr. Mudcock really came through! You really outdid himself this time!
Scott Slade: Just think of the implications this has for Franchise Championship moving forward!
Chris Rodgers: I wouldn’t want Huckleberry or Jeremiah Vastrix post-Ultra Slam 2. These four will start gunning for their heads at their weakest moment!
Scott Slade: Wrestling fans, we are out of time! Tune in two weeks for the biggest wrestling show of the year. ULTRA SLAM 2!!!! Will see you there!
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