Gabriel Tuck sits in a casino in front of the nickel slots. He has his card slotted and makes his bet before pulling the arm to make the machine go. The Egyptian-themed slot machine “rolls” and comes up with no win. Gabriel takes a sip of a beer that he was given and makes another bet, pulling the arm again.
He’s been at the casino for ten straight hours. No clocks or windows anywhere means that it’s almost impossible to gauge the passage of time. Has it been five minutes? Has it been hours? Days?
Gabriel grunts as his next pull of the arm grants him a ten-dollar victory. He’s been up and down all the while that he’s been at the casino and is currently down about six hundred dollars. He makes another bet and pulls the arm again, hoping each time that he will win the jackpot.
He looks tired and slightly drunk. A state that he’s been in as long as the casino plies him with drinks and little bits of food now and again.
He pulls the arm of the slot machine again. Again no winnings. He makes a new bet and reaches to pull the arm again when he catches a whiff of his own underarm and makes a face. He pulls the arm of the slot machine still and wins five bucks.
Gabriel Tuck - I should probably hit the hotel room and shower. I wonder how long I’ve been here?
A casino worker walks by and stops.
Casino Worker - You’ve been in that same spot for three of my shifts so three days?
Gabriel’s eyes go wide.
Gabriel Tuck - What the fuck? Three days? And I’m only six hundred dollars down?
Casino Worker - No. You’ve connected that card to your bank account and refilled it with a thousand dollars each time it ran out.
Gabriel Tuck - Jesus Fucking Christ! Lemme just check…
He gets out his smartphone and checks his bank account. He sees the number of times that he has made withdrawals to the casino account.
Gabriel Tuck - So I’m sixty-six hundred down…fuck.
Casino Worker - Well, look at it like this. Your meal and hotel room are comped?
Gabriel Tuck - Thank fuck for that. Alright, I’m going to go eat, shower, and sleep for days.
Casino Worker - Have a good night!
Gabriel goes to the steakhouse that’s linked in to the casino and has a steak dinner before heading to his room and showering off the funk of days. He sits down in his room and decides to set his phone up to FaceTwatter Live.
Gabriel Tuck - Addiction is hard, man. Like your husband’s addiction to having me kick his ass, Elizabeth. Now, I stomped you at least once and then I stomped your husband and sent him packing from the CWF. I’m sure he will be back, but of course he will be. My whole point here is that he’s the one that roughed up a referee that turned out to have paid me for protection. I busted him in the chops for roughing up said referee. He took it badly like a common prick.
I’m not a bad guy. Well, anymore. I’m a guy who protects his best interests. Your husband had a beef with me and tried to kill me several times over it. Imagine that. I’m sure that you want to step into the ring and get revenge for yourself and your husband since I’ve been a thorn in your guys’ side for some time now. Not that I tried to be such a thing for more than that one time, but you guys keep pushing yourselves onto me like some bad penny. I understand it though.
I’ll give you your match. Why don’t we make it interesting and make it a falls count anywhere. We will go anywhere within the arena or even outside of it to settle things out. I only ask that win or lose, you drop it and we move on with life. No more obsessions over me. I will not join you guys in bed! I have a strict “one dick per fantasy” rule and it’s to be mine.
So bring your a-game and I’ll bring mine. We’ll war it out and then shake hands at the end of it