Nearly everyone will have days when they do not want to get out of bed or do much of anything. And by everyone, I mean including top entrepreneurs, business tycoons, and global leaders. Even though there may be many psychological reasons why a person may not feel like they have the strength or motivation to get out of bed in the morning, the biggest challenge is beginning the day.
New-York Times best selling author Mel Robbins, shares the 5 things she does whenever she wakes up feeling anxious and doesn't feel like getting out of bed. If you are stuck in the same situation, you may want to try these tips out.
#1 Put my hands on my heart
Mel Robbins calls this “Giving your heart a high five”. And after that you say these three sentences: I’m okay, I’m safe, I’m loved. By saying this with conviction, you can feel a huge weight lifted off your shoulders.
#2 I don’t stare at the ceiling and think about my problems

Irrespective of how you wake up in the morning, you don’t want to look at the ceiling and start thinking of how bad your day is going to go or how you’re supposed to finish all the tasks that awaits you in the day. By dwelling on these thoughts, you give yourself more reason to stay in bed. Instead, you want to think positively and say “Today is going to be a great day”. Just by saying these words, you give yourself some assurance that things can turn out right.
#3 Use the 5-second-rule
I once came across Mel Robbins sharing the benefits of using the 5-second-rule during her Tedx talk. This is what she says about the rule “The 5 second rule is simple. If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within five seconds or your brain will kill it. The moment you feel an instinct or a desire to act on a goal or a commitment, use the rule.”
So basically, when you feel yourself hesitate before doing something that you know you should do, count 5-4-3-2-1–GO and move towards action. Whenever you feel sluggish to get out of bed, you can apply this rule. What you need to do is just to say “5-4-3-2-1–GO and roll out of bed. It’s easy right.
#4 High five yourself in the mirror

When you high five yourself in the mirror, you send yourself into the day with the encouragement that you need. It shows that you support yourself and you ready to take on the day.
#5 I journal
This happens to be one of my best practices. Journaling helps you get all that stress off your head and down on paper which frees up the mind. Contrary to popular belief, expressive writing can boost your defenses against disease and lower your risk of getting sick. So, taking a few minutes to write down 5 things that you want to achieve during the day, is the best way of providing a road map that guides your day. You can even go as far to write down your dreams and things you would like to accomplish in due time.
Final thoughts
Focusing on the positive aspects of life can help many people get out of bed in the morning. One should experiment with various approaches before settling on one that works for them.
I hope this helped. Please feel free to drop some of the tips you use to get out of bed.
Thanks a million.