My name is Jane. I am a freelance writer. I don't know what you're thinking about. You're probably wondering what I'm doing in a place like this. I can tell you. I'm here for a job interview. I know what you're thinking? How can a woman like me do a man's job? Well, I agree. It can't be done. I am here for a job interview. I am no different than any of the rest of the candidates here. That's not true. I used to be a man. I'll explain. I have always wanted to be an explorer. I always dreamed about discovering new places and about new people. Adventure is what it's about for me. I have read all of adventure stories that I can find. One of my favorites is Journey of a Thousand Miles. It is about a man who went to China to learn Kung Fu and discovers a shadow organization run by evil men. Anything good about him is taken away, killed, or kidnapped. I loved that story. I love everything about it, really. Even the title. Even the cover. The writer is a man. A successful man who strikes fear into the hearts of more people than I can even fathom. I see that he has another book on the bestseller's list right now. It is called ''. That is a great title. I can see why it is a bestseller. Maybe I can get the same title.
I have my print copy of the book with me. It is very special to me because this author is the one that inspired me to become an adventurer. I have never written before, but I know that I can do it. I've read some of his works and have tried to write like that. I have used all of the spelling tricks that he has used. I have been writing for a few years now and have learned to touch up my work. I will be able to give you a copy of my own best seller one day. I have already written it, but I have to finish it. I'm not finished with it.
I am not supposed to be an adventurer. I am a man. I am a small man. I have lived my whole life that way. My parents married and I was the fair-haired boy. I was the odd man out. They wanted me to fit into that role. I don't fit into it. I am content with my life. I am fine as I am. When I have run out of ideas for stories, I will start writing my own books.
But in the meantime, they want me to go on adventures. I do it to please them. I do it to keep myself interested. It is easier to write a book if you know what it is about. So, I am doing this in order to have ideas. I love what my parents want for me. I don't know what I would be doing otherwise. I am a writer. That is what I do.
I am expecting my mother to meet me here for this interview. I've never wanted to be a writer. I've always wanted to be an adventurer. Being a writer is not good enough for me. I wanted to go out there and live through the stories that I write. I wanted to be the person in the stories that I write. I wanted to just be that person. I know that it is impossible. Whatever I write, I feel that there is a piece of me in every one of those words. If I write a man, it is not the man that is described. It is me. I feel like I am the man in those words. I don't like it. I wish that I could go out there and be those words. I want to be everything and everything there is in those stories. I want to climb mountains. I want to tell the story of what I did and the experiences that I had. I have never been to China. Maybe someday. I see that the third bestseller on the list right now is by him. It is called ''
I read this book last night. I am positive that you will like this book too. This author is wonderful. He is a great writer. This is the book that I am going to steal the idea from for my own bestseller. It's called '' I have read his second bestseller as well, '' So I know that this book is bound to make money. People love stories like this. I am going to use this to my advantage. I will use it as the basis for my own book. I am going to write one of these stories right here and right now. I have to impress you enough to offer me a job.
The tour company called and told us that they were going to be fifteen minutes late. It is fine. I have nothing to do. I don't mind. It gives me time to do some writing. I have to write something. I have to write something that will make me stand out from the other people here. I will do it. I go through his books and just take ideas that I like. Maybe it is not his ideas that I like. Maybe it is the way he writes that I like. I will try to do what he is doing. But for me, I will be writing about myself in all of these stories. I will go do things and write about it.
He always writes about monsters and crime scenes and all of these crazy things. I am going to write about things that I have been through. I can do that. I like the stories where it is reality, but it is exaggerated just a little bit. I am going to write about myself. I am going to write about my experiences. I have a lot of experiences that I can write about. I have had a lot of adventures. I am the one that always gets in trouble. I am the fugitive. I am always against the law, but nobody ever has to arrest me. It is because I have been places and I have seen things. Nobody can arrest me because I already know about that stuff. I can write about it.
I just need to write about it. The more that I have written, the easier that it comes to me. It is like breathing. I know how to write because I have done it so much. Most people can't do it. They don't want to do it. I never want to stop writing. It is all that I want to do. I will write about this place. This is a tour area that they have put here because it is not for usual people. They have put it here to show that they are open to newbies. They want to show that we are good and that we're not scaring them and that they are not afraid of us. This is one of their tours for them to show that newbies are good. This is where newbies do their tours. It is great because it helps newbies start spreading their legs. It is a way of getting newbies to wear dresses. It was much easier for me to wear all of these costumes when I was newbie. It is what I did. I did what I had to do. I promised myself that I would try to be a man when I was a man. I was a woman for so many years. I have just been a woman for so long. It is so hard to be a man. I don't know why. They seem to be the preferred sex. They get the attention. Women are like puzzles that no man can solve. I don't want to be. I know that these women who are out here all dressed up in their outfits would rather be comfortable without a skirt. Maybe I am an old lady. I have seen a lot of old ladies. I have seen lots of men. I have seen lots of women.
No one is going to see me. Everyone is going to see me here. I'm doing this to stand out from them. If I don't stand out and no one remembers me, then no one is going to tell me what to do. I'm going to tell them what to do. I will do this to my advantage. I am not going to write about the things that they write about.
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