in #freewritingyesterday

All of us in definite periods of life can feel despair and suffer from difficulties and problems.
It seems they will never end. Nothings will be better. Just total nightmare, pain and apathy.

Or another variant - we're filled with fears that don't let us feel joy of life.
We're full with bad thoughts, pessimistic future pictures and all the time wait for new problems.

Is it familiar to you?
I think most people know what I mean.
And unfortunately I know what it is very well.

What can we do in this case?

Just remember it's not forever. Everyhting has its end, and the black line in our life isn't endless.

Hope - it's the only thing that can save us in hard life situations.
Deep belief that the Universe is with us, and it will help us for sure.

There is a nice experiment that describes the same from scientifir point of view.

The experiment has a good title "HOPE".

In the 1950s Harvard psychologist Kurt Richter conducted an experiment: he put rats in a pool of water to see how long they would cling to life.
It turned out that, on average, they gave up and drowned after 15 minutes. This happened with one group of rats.

As for the second group, before the subjects gave up, the researcher took them out of the water.
He dried them, fed them, let them rest for a few minutes, and threw them back.
The rats were filled with hope.

How long do you think they could hold out in the second round?
Another 15 minutes? 10 minutes? 5?

No, 60 hours!

The conclusion is obvious: the rats believed in their eventual salvation, they were able to force their bodies to perform the impossible and push their limits.

Now let's replace "pool of water" with "new beginning."
"Rats" with "people."
And "Faith in salvation" to "faith in success".

If hope can make rats increase their limit by 240 times, imagine what faith in yourself and your abilities can do for you.


Amazing experiment! I have never heard of it before, it gives me a lot to think about!