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RE: I'm a communist, you should be one, too!

u ignorant! :D I love when people start with: you are projecting, you are ignorant, you don't know, you are a bigot...

It makes it so much easier when they introduce themselves.
Oh, the irony!

Jabotinsky was one of the Zionists who was sponsored by Rothschild. They cooperated and sponsored Hitler to move Jews to a desert... also bought by R. Hitler's materials built it. Jews did not want to go, so Zionists paid Hitler to force them or kill them. This is where the trains were going from concentration camps... that had theaters, swimming pools, operas, football teams...

Communism was created by Zionists who started the Bolshevik revolution. First USSR government was 99% Jewish.
Zionists created KGB. Created Hitler. Slaughtered 100 million people (100 million also in China), now they are doing the same to Palestine... Israel is a socialist country... with some free trade... but why notice the reality... instead call people ignorant :D because that make you awesome :D this person is trolling my Voluntaryism posts... really hard to reason with insanity