I had to check out, the guy's accent was driving me, i made it to the 15min mark.
If you got a link to a text copy, id be glad to read it.
The guy presumes that the worker can wait, that he has sufficient crapital to live while waiting for these future goods.
The worker wouldnt sell his labor if this was true.
Show me how to escape this and i wont call it exploitive.
The crapitalust pays the lowest wage possible thereby insuring the worker cant escape the plantation.
Which again, largely becomes accademic in freedom.
When rule by force stops sucking sooo much to the few this wont really be an issue.
Workers will become scarcer as money spreads out.
Voluntaryism will end in a cooperative, and therefore, communist society.
When scarcity no longer is the driving force of so many life becomes much more relaxed.
No worries. As far as I can tell there is no presumption made that the worker can wait. The assumption is the worker has time preferences on the return of his labor.
Time preferences also show up in communist models.
There is no proof that voluntaryism will end in a economic model where the products of labor are taken from the worker and distributed (or even distributed 'equally') by a social construct.
As we discussed before demand is the 'pull' part of the system, and scarce resources will remain scarce unless the motivate to produce the resources is directly linked to the need. Social distribution uncouples the motivation from the need. As Hoppe mentions, you get less resources.