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RE: I'm a communist, you should be one, too!

in #freeyourmindslave7 years ago

'coulda, should, woulda' - it doesn't change reality.

Pretending nature doesn't exist, doesn't mean it will disappear.
We are a part of nature, not separate from it.

Every animal on this planet does any action for it's own advantage.
Altuism is a myth.

This is a natural dynamic. We are a natural beings.
You could argue that the issue is 'do you accept you are part of natures rhythms, or not?'

To not be, is by definition, against the order of things...?


If being part of nature means living to the disadvantage of others, then its time to terra form, imo.

Geography is irrelevant, nature is king..

Then why bother with chemtrails and mkultra?

Tell me one thing that lives in nature that is not at a disadvantage to others...?


A list of species ...?

You're willfully misunderstanding the question, I presume..?

You said give a list of animals that dont live at a disadvantage to others and i listed the tops of the various food chains.
What did i not understand?