that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Indeed, there were three men from Israel who were striped, bald and blind. God intended to test them, so God sent angels to them. The angel came to the Stripe and asked, "What is the thing you want most?" The Stripe replied, "I want a handsome face and good skin and a loss of illness that makes people disgusted with me."
Then the angel then rubbed the stripe and immediately the disgusting disease disappeared and he was given a handsome face and good skin. The angel asked again, 'What treasure do you like the most?' The stripe replied, 'Camel,' (or he said, 'Cattle.' The narrator hesitated between a camel and a cow, because a striped and bald person, one asked for a camel. , others ask for cows). Then he was given a camel that was pregnant ten months, and the angel said, "May Allah give blessings and blessings to what you receive."
Then the angel came to the bald man and asked, 'What is the thing you want most?' The bald replied, 'Neat hair and loss of disease that makes people disgusted with me.' The angel then rubbed the bald and immediately disappeared and grow neat hair instead. The angel asked again, "What treasure do you like the most?" The bald replied, "Cows." Then he was given a pregnant cow, and the angel said, "May Allah give blessings and blessings to what you receive."
Then the Angel came to the Blind and asked, "What is the thing you want most?" The Blind replied, "Allah returned my vision so I could see people." The angel then rubbed the Blind and Allah returned his vision to the Blind. The angel asked again, "What treasure do you like most?" The Blind replied, "Goat." Then he was given a goat who was pregnant.
Over time, camels, cattle and goats breed and the camels fill one field, as well as cows and goats, each of which meets one field.
Once upon a time the angel came to the Stripper and disguised himself as a diseased person as he was when he said, ‘I am a poor man and have run out of supplies in the middle of this trip and to this day there is no hope except for Allah Azza Wajalla then to you. I really ask for your help by calling the Essence who has given you a handsome face and fine skin and wealth. I asked you a camel for provisions to continue my journey. 'The Belang said,' The rights that I have to give are still many (I cannot supply anything). '
The angel said, "If I am not mistaken I have ever known you, have you not been a person who has pain and disgust for you, and you were not a poor person then Allah gave you mercy?"
The Belang said, "Actually I have this wealth from the ancestors." Angels said, "If you lie then may Allah return you as you were before."
Then the angel came to the bald like a bald person like the bald state at that time, and said what he said to the stripper. The bald also answered like the striped; then the angel said, "If you lie, may Allah make you as you were before."
The angel continued her journey to the Blind's place like a blind person like the Blind at the time, and said, "I am a poor man, I have run out of supplies in the midst of this trip and there is no hope for me but Allah later for you. I really ask you for help by calling the One who has restored your vision, that is, I ask for one goat for provisions in continuing my journey. '
The Blind replied, ‘I was a blind person then God returned my vision. And it was poor, then God gave wealth like this. Then take what you want. By Allah, now I will not burden you something that you take because of Allah. '
The angel said, alah Maintain your wealth, in fact you are only tested and Allah is truly pleased with you and Allah has wrath your two friends'. "
If you follow me, I will also follow you in return!@manzarulakhyar, I gave you a vote!