I'm Confused

in #frenemies8 years ago

I'm from the U.S. and I served proudly in the U.S. military. I have injuries to this day from service in the 90's. I have several friends that were killed and I know a couple that are seriously injured and their life will never be the same.

As I get older, I wonder more and more about how stupid war is. It is easily avoidable with simple diplomacy. What is even more stupid is the evolution of the friends and enemies of the United States in the last 100 years.

In World War II, the United States was mainly engaged with Germany and Japan. Our alleys in this were Russia and China. Fast forward seventy years, and Germany and Japan are our allies and China and Russia seemed to be the potential enemy.

Since the 60's, the U.S. has flip flopped from being friends and enemies at least 6 times with Iran and Iraq.

Cuba is another example, one stroke of a pen and now as an American I can visit there and spend money freely. For 70 years it was illegal for me to go there or even smoke a cigar from there!!

With all these enemies and friends shifting around, it's hard for me to tell my son to join the military and follow in my footsteps. He could get caught up in some recreational war and get seriously injured for life.

In my humble opinion, the U.S. needs a strong leader that can stop waging war, and start waging peace.


Hello friend ! It's beautiful 😍 blog !! Good luck 🍀👍 I am follows for you !!

I agree with you one hundred percent! I will do anything for my country, but with today's corruption in our government there's no way I would serve. And if I knew somebody that wants to serve, I would try to talk them out of it.

Thats true, War and violance never brings peace it only creates more and more destruction and ememies.

It's aweful that people get injured for life or killed(

yeah war doesn't solve anything but makes thing worse.

wow great post. i totally agree that The United States desperately needs a leader with erudition and wisdom. But who?

I wonder how long people have to wait before that happens.

Not only usa , every country needs one
Fortunately india has modi

I've never fought in a war and I never will for many reasons similar to what you just said!

I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity. - Dwight D Eisenhower

i upvote you and also add you to my steemvoter! hope you will do the same for me. thank y

Wow, great post @davidp

During this time it seems like a pretty volatile period with fear and tensions fraying. I'm not sure what relations are truly like for countries as people like Trump or any other leader could be putting on a facade for their own benefit.
World relations are pretty unstable and I don't know what the future holds

you wrote that from you heart i really liked it i hope situtaion gets better and all can live with peace and freedom.

That is true a good diplomatic relation can have good impact on the future too

U.S. need's a strong leader for sure who can be sensible and friendly with others too not a weak leader.

massive respect to you sir you served for your country for so long Hat's off
i always admire soldiers they are the real heros.

True word's from a father point of view too that you are in doubt whether to tell your son to join or not the footsteps of yours these things looks small to common people but have big impact on the lives of many and the country point of view.

I salute your service and agree that, regrettably, most lives lost in those wars were lost in vain. All because of the policies of governments that don't consider the interests of the people they should represent, rather of the elites they are run by.

indeed well said. war is very bad.

Nice post thanks for sharing

Great post! A good leader will try to seek for peace not for war!

Thanks you for your post!

Only a calm leader can bring peace in the country.

Great post , its so hard to be in U.S. military , thanks for sharing