I just finished reading a handful of works by Freud, and I must say that I am shocked by his stupidity, his narcissism, his bitterness, his usurpation. Here is a man who made himself into a God, saying there couldn't possibly be a God. Here is a man who claimed objective morality doesn't exist, yet who made his judgments in accordance with his own set of stringent commandments. Here is a man who pointed out every observable flaw within the human race, not once stopping to confess that he too was a flawed human being. Here is one who called the rest of the world insane, blind to the fact that he himself was glaringly insane. The pages of Freud are the pages of a megalomaniac, an obvious neurotic, a Tyrant of all tyrants. Many of his assertions and doctrines are actually quite amusing, and may be regarded as the stuff of good fiction. Freud was an artist, a dreamer, a fabricator of dogmas. The Freudian Church offers no means of expiation ... :)
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